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- Charles McEwan, Kirkcowan

Voting in Election

What are your views about politics. Is there a party that you strongly support that has proved itself in your estimation or do you vote tactically for one party to try and make sure another even worse one does not get in?  If so, you are probably not alone. History tells us that Czars, monarchs, emperors and kings have been more interested in going to war than making peace so it is probably with good cause that people are suspicious of politics and politicians. Nowadays however, in our supposedly democratic times, it seems that dissatisfaction has risen to a new level even though technology and medical knowledge have progressed to a point where many of the problems of yesteryear have been eradicated and where capitalism has raised millions of people out of poverty.

I grew up in the aftermath of WW2. I had a lot of confidence in the institutions of our society, police, schools, hospitals, social work etc. I have lost that now and I see many other people also sensing that something has gone wrong because obvious solutions to problems are being ignored or even prevented so what has caused this change.  Are my suspicions merely the unjustified speculations of a delusional pessimist or are they based on actual evidence? This is an important question because a stable society needs to be ruled by people who care about our wellbeing and enact legislation to support our wellbeing and freedom. However, more and more people are turning away from the official news media and are listening to alternative voices which are clearly saying that politics no longer works for them and that they want freedom, especially of speech and thought. They see decisions being made which are clearly nonsensical and perceive that the people making these decisions no longer think they have to listen to the people. In addition, the media often portray the people as an unthinking mass who need to be told what is best for them but who are necessary every 5 years, to be the useful idiots who vote the mainstream parties back into power. Could it be that we now have a system in place in which it matters not a jot which party you vote for because they are all answerable to unseen unelected puppet master operating at a higher level?

I have seen the medical profession tell us that Covid was not dangerous to children because they have strong immune systems and yet they broke their own rules and started jabbing children who were not at risk.  At the beginning of the “pandemic” highly qualified medical experts who were world renowned experts in immunology and virology, found cheap repurposed anti-viral drugs which had been used to treat humans for decades and cured Covid but these drugs were banned and emergency Use Authorization given to new experimental drugs with no record of safety being developed by pharmaceutical companies. Who benefits from this? The pharmaceutical companies got governments to agree that the test data for these drugs should not be publicised for 65 years. Why did they ask for this immunity? They were forced later to publish the data and medical researchers who looked at the data concluded that the Covid vaccine was not safe and not effective. Clearly, decisions made by governments, medical authorities and drug companies were not in our best interests and the media are still telling us to take more and more boosters. Why would you need a booster? A vaccine is supposed to give you immunity.

This is just one example among many where decisions at government level are extremely questionable. In an interview with Jordan Peterson, Professor Neil Ferguson said he thought it significant that in our lifetimes governments seem to be worse at dealing with disasters than earlier administrations.

Back in 1914, Archduke Ferdinand was shot causing Germany to invade Serbia and then for Britain to declare war on Germany. In 1918, the punitive sanctions imposed on Germany, are recognised as being responsible for the extreme poverty in Germany which led to WW2. We didn’t need to do that.


We could have come to an agreement which did not impoverish Germany. In 2014 the democratically elected government of Ukraine was overthrown by a coup financed by the U.S. The Minsk agreement signed by Western powers and Rusia was meant to bring peace to the region in 2014 (


Angela Merkel later admitted that we only signed it to give time for the Ukrainian army to build up its forces and attack Russia. We didn’t need to set up conditions for war which is still ongoing. We could have sued for peace.  Boris Johnson didn’t need to go to Ukraine to scupper the peace deal that was being negotiated (



So what does this means for the normal voter. It is a cliché that it doesn’t make sense to keep repeating the same action and expect a different result. We are not in safe hands and it is time to realise that voting for the mainstream parties is a wasted vote and will result in us continuing to fund foreign wars and increase the coffers of Big Pharma.

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