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Cemetery Gravestones

It is the conviction of the Scottish Heritage Party that the first responsibility of government under God is to protect the people all of the time, and this includes the unborn child, a being just as human as the rest of us, a human deserving exactly the same protection. In the reign of the last Monarch 10,000,000 human beings have been slaughtered by the State, a national disgrace which we intend to put right.

President Reagan, faced this issue head on stating that the only people in favour of abortion are those who have already been born.

From Conception to the Grave,
we will protect all the people of Scotland

Note how the NHS have enforced a link on our site to put their view of continued slaughter.

Surely if we believe that God has given us life, it has to be our first duty to preserve it! The whole issue we believe is dependent on whether or not a child in the womb is fully human, potentially human or subhuman. British Constitutional obligations on government are to protect life rather than destroy it depending on whether or not the child in the womb is a living being or not.


The Scottish Heritage Party declares, as President Reagan declared without doubt that a child in the womb is fully human, and no human being including the child’s mother has any right whatsoever to kill a child precious to God, and all those who declare that life is above death.

It is understood by The Scottish Heritage Party that those who favour the availability of abortion would consider a child in the womb as either being potentially human or subhuman. If the government of the day understands the child in the womb as fully human, then that government would be guilty of the crime of murder if it allowed the crime of abortion to take place.

It is a scientific fact that human life in the womb begins long before breathing at conception, and so how can we possibly continue as a nation if we are killing part of our population continuously? It is also a scientific fact that an embryo is not an extension of the mother for the baby has its own sex from conception and after forty days has its own brain waves, yet government after government have seen it fit to slaughter these innocents at a rate King Herod would have thought impossible.

Within a few weeks the baby has its own blood type and unique fingerprints, birth simply, therefore, changing the method of receiving oxygen and food.

In reply to the argument that “legalized” abortion has saved lives, it is simply not true to say that it has saved thousands of mothers from dying, but is true to say that it has killed millions of babies. We in the Scottish Heritage Party believe it to be our call to save the lives of these babies. Information from Norman Geisler’s book on Christian Ethics gives figures of 1/100 of 1% maternal death rate whereas abortion operations have a 100% death rate.


It is the position of the Scottish Heritage Party that even saving the lives of hundreds of mothers does not justify costing the lives of millions of babies. 10 million babies have been slaughtered in Britain since 1967 and so it is the position of the Scottish Heritage Party that if we are to show to generations growing up that violence and abuse against others is wrong, then government has to show its repentance for being the main perpetrator of it.


Figures show from the U.S.A. that between 1973 when abortion was legalized and 1982 child abuse increased by more than 500% proving the principle of sowing and reaping. If you therefore, place violence onto youth, youth will return violence back to you particularly from a world now seemingly devoid of family stability.

The Young Generation is growing up surrounded by immorality and violence, the main perpetrators therefore not being the young people on the streets increasing knife crime figures, but government itself, Perhaps the principle of removing the plank from one's own eye has to be established before we start tackling the problem of youth crime on the streets.


This baby was born as will all babies under a Scottish Heritage Party government.

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