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Protecting Teenage Children from any form of life changing surgery during years of puberty.


The Scottish Heritage Party cares about young people, cares about their ideologies that are coming their way from the education system in Scotland, rather politically bias media sources like the the BBC, Sky, ITV as well as the written press.

We are simply saying that children going through the changes of puberty should not be subjected into making choices that in the rest of their life they may regret. defines puberty as follows:

  • Puberty is the period of sexual maturation and achievement of fertility.

  • The time when puberty begins varies greatly among individuals; however, puberty usually occurs in girls between the ages of 10 and 14 and between the ages of 12 and 16 in boys.

  • Both genetic and environmental factors are involved in the timing of puberty.

  • Body fat and/or body composition may play a role in regulating the onset of puberty.

  • Puberty is associated with the development of secondary sex characteristics and rapid growth.

  • Central precocious puberty (CPP) is puberty that occurs earlier than normal due to release of hormones from the hypothalamus of the brain.

  • Girls are more likely than boys to have precocious puberty (early puberty).

  • Breast development is usually the first sign of puberty in girls.

  • Puberty may also be accompanied by emotional and mood changes.

  • Some medical conditions may worsen or first become apparent at puberty.

It is therefore important to protect young ones particularly at this time of development. It is concerning that government is allowing certain groups promoting a particular kind of sexual orientation should have access to vulnerable young people at a certain time of their development. It is our policy to stop this access and return to the teaching of traditional family values, a view supported by many faith communities who seem to no longer have a say in the bringing up of the nation's children. We will put this right.

Under the 2004 Gender Identification Act it is only an adult, not a child who can apply for a "gender recognition certificate" and only if they have lived as a presentation of the opposite sex for two years. Government therefore is differentiating its ideology to adulthood and not children in this act. To quote research from the Christian Institute:

In recent years transgender ideology has been embraced by the mainstream. Celebrities and much of the media are keen to promote it. Activists are pushing society towards accepting it unquestioningly and shutting down essential debate. This means that instead of providing transgender people with the support they need to help them embrace the bodies they were born with, society is compounding their confusion, with damaging consequences.

Drastic treatments are being promoted, such as puberty-blocking drugs, hormone treatment and ‘sex change’ surgeries. Many go on to regret this course of action. The impact on young people is particularly concerning. In 2018 2,519 children were referred to the NHS’s Gender Identity Development Service – a more than 700% increase over the previous five years.

A man cannot become a woman. A woman cannot become a man. It is not loving to affirm the idea that a person is ‘trapped in the wrong body’ – especially when this could encourage them to undergo medical interventions that are dangerous both physically and psychologically. 

The above research is particularly relevant when it comes to teenagers going through puberty. It is not the time to make dramatic medical interventions and it is our intention to close down government agencies from interfering with the growing body of an individual particularly at a time of changing feelings. We will protect the teenage child.

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