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The Key to Solving this Health Care Crisis is in Prevention, not locking down the economy (that caused physical & mental stress) & using high risk mRNA vaccines

We believe we can bring to Scotland, a more efficient, less expensive Health Care service, free at the point of use by a programme of prevention .......

Dentists know this! If they can see their patients on a regular basis, they can prevent later on major surgery. The other parts of our bodies are no different. If we can see everyone on a regular basis, screening when necessary we can prevent serious illness and possibly death.

If prevention therefore is at the heart of our health service then we can reduce costs, prevent illness and disease and have a healthier community, and this is where economic policy comes in. If we can de-centralise government to the original county lines, local people can play a part in the building up of smaller areas, and have cultural identity in a less stressed society.

The present globalised perspective of the SNP-Green government is handing over power to a global elite intent on running down nationalism and local identity. We intend to bring this back, and by so doing have a happier society secure in local identity, thus reducing stress and strain on medical services.

More people have died with the use of mRNA vaccines and lockdown than COVID 19, and so we need a Government with a wide perspective who could have forecast this. David Kurten and the Heritage Party have been consistent in this and we are carrying on this perspective in Scotland.

Prevention is far better than cure

The whole basis of our policy is that you are seen before it is too late!

To put things right, we must deal with the negatives and there are many after a needless lockdown and running down of the economy by an SNP-Green Government that has cost so many lives.


The biggest negative is the ongoing slaughter of the unborn child, a child being just as much a child in the womb as he/she is out of it. 13.4 out of every 1,000 babies are slaughtered by the Scottish NHS. (2020 GOV UK figures). This we see as a national disgrace, it being the determination of the Scottish Heritage Party that all babies in the womb be born safely in local caring environments. No more travelling 60 miles to have a baby as it is for people in Stranraer having to travel to Dumfries, with even longer distances in the Highlands.

The huge number of vaccine injured is a testimony to all the social media companies who censored debate, to government who ignored the warnings of eminent scientists and medics in the Great Barrington Declaration, and to those in government who in effect closed the economy down. This Party has been consistent in opposing all of this and puts to the electorate if you really want to vote again for the people who put us in this health care mess?

As to unnecessary operations in relation to gender identity, this will no longer be paid out of the public purse this saving resources to life and death situations.




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