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Life to Fossil Fuel & The Environment

Oil derrick

Un-apologetically we will make use of our mineral wealth within the context of a cleaner & more prosperous environment than "net zero" parties like the SNP-Greens, Labour & Tories have to offer! 

The Scottish Heritage Party writes David P Griffiths, believe we as a nation are being taken for a ride by fear mongering parties determined to put us under the control of a global elite. With all the evidence available today, we are not putting forward some form of "conspiracy theory" but statements based on fact! For example, how can there be a Nationalist Party in Scotland determined to put us under the control of a foreign power like Brussels? Surely "nationalism" must mean "independence", not simply swapping the elected Parliament of Westminster to the laws of un-elected officials at Brussels and Strasbourg. It is this Party that is presenting itself as the true Nationalist Party of an independent Scotland, equal partner in an independent Great Britain ready to export our expertise all over the World, rather than be under the jack boot of a foreign power that the SNP-Green Scottish Government is putting forward.

If "net zero" policies are so good, why is it that Co2 emissions have increased since 1992 when they were first implemented?

Earth summit after earth summit, global climate agreements like those of Kyoto and Paris, COP after COP, suppressive policy after suppressive policy instead of bringing down global emissions have in fact dramatically increased them. In addition to this, these policies and agreements have done dramatic harm to the environment, the Scottish Heritage Party understanding that to put up a windmill turbine involves use of concrete the size of a football pitch thus impacting farmland to make it infertile and destroying marine life.

With most of the media seemingly on board with this, one has to ask if some form of global control is the underlying agenda to "net zero" policies rather than improving the environment. The current policy of the Tories in Westminster and the SNP-Green Alliance at Holyrood seems to be to promise draconian cuts then backtrack by importing fossil fuels rather than have a consistent policy of using our God given fossil fuel resources to the full, thus giving consistent supply at potentially a very cheap price, whilst increasing our economic wealth by becoming a exporter rather than importer of fossil fuel. This is the policy of the Scottish Heritage Party giving the additional benefit of saving millions of pounds on green policies which we are proving are doing harm rather than good to the environment. The Papal message to COP 27 which states that human beings needs to make covenant with the environment is one nearer to a pantheistic ideology rather than one of acceptance of a Creator, and it is the policy of this Party to be thankful to God for what he has provided for us, and use it to the full!

Many Roman Catholics are appalled by this preferring to trust the Creator rather than embrace a Pope so sold out to the global agenda. Indeed the President of COP28 is reported by the BBC as using the summit for UAE to make oil deals.

Oil refinery plant in the evening

Indeed the pro net zero website Carbon Brief has quoted the President of COP 28 who correctly declared that there is "no science" to support the phasing out of fossil fuels, so confidently whilst accepting there has always been climate change, we will embrace a pro fossil fuel economy to benefit all of the people knowing the earth's climate moves in cycles rather than be moved primarily by human activity.

In our quest to save the planet from environmentally unfriendly "net zero" green policies, we will not be bringing disruption to the hardworking people of our country and stopping ambulances with emergencies. Instead we will be taking environmental facts to the ballot box with a vision to set our nation free from the global controls of an elite we are determined to expose.

Factual statistics show us that to replace a fossil fuel power plant is environmentally harmful, one square yard of a fossil fuel plant requiring 73 square yards of solar panels or 239 square yards of on-shore wind turbines. It is important to protect the environment and we can only do this with clean fossil fuel plants. The "net-zero" brigade present to us a future of constant power cuts and the like, this impacting industry and its economic targets, impacting jobs and the well being of nations. 

Wind and solar power is weather dependent whereas the use of fossil fuel is not. Modern industry requires 24 hour energy, and transport vehicles require reliable access to fuel, electric vehicles being highly inefficient and cruel to children found in the mines of DR Congo looking for lithium when they should be being educated at school. They also in our view have dangerous radiation levels and far more likely to go on fire, radiation being a far greater killer than CO2.

We therefore put to the electorate that we in Scotland can be fuel sufficient and even be exporters of fossil fuel thus giving us the ability to not only expand our businesses but also be the caring society the Scots throughout history have been famous for.

Nurse and Patient

Our Health Services require constant access to energy resources - it is the Scottish Heritage Party and its environmentally friendly "fossil fuel" policies that can guarantee this!

A very important factor for voters to note, is the Scottish Heritage Party is entirely independent of the World Economic Forum that is pressing for a "great reset" thus undermining the independence of nations, an undermining embraced in our view by the SNP-Green Alliance, whereas the SHP bans from membership all those with links to the WEF. It is our view that "net zero" policies will bring in fuel shortages thus bringing about a need for rationing, like WEF linked Sri Lankan Government have introduced.

Sri Lanka Minister of Power and Energy Kanchana Wijesekera has recently announced a Fuelpass QR code system under the direction of new Sri Lanka President Kanil Wickremesinghe. This follows an disastrous ban on farmers using synthetic fertilisers thus bringing about a massive fuel and food shortage to the country. It is the view of the Scottish Heritage Party that Scotland and an continuing SNP-Green Alliance could well be leading us on the same road. It is time for the nation to rise up against this, all this being a part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development from the United Nations that has become a throne of power for those looking to control the world rather than bring it peace.

It is therefore my personal view writes David P Griffiths, that Great Britain should withdraw from the United Nations and its disastrous policies for food sustainability and World Health and instead look to extend its Commonwealth of Nations, a Commonwealth of strong ethical, moral and democratic ideals rather than be under a UN of continued control.

Image by Joe Roberts

The beautiful country of Sri Lanka devastated by WEF and UN controls, a country that once more can be independent within the context of a democratic Commonwealth of nations.

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