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Saving  Our Coos!

Green colonialism is dominating the world at this time, a colonialism embraced in Scotland by an SNP-Green coalition, embraced from Westminster by a Tory government hell bent on destroying the country by an unrealistic net zero agenda, both governments supported by the UN who have falsely stated that the world must be carbon neutral by 2050 to avoid further temperature increases.

The Scottish Heritage Party in contrast is presenting proof that fossil fuels are a power for good, fuels that we can prove save lives rather than destroy them, so it is time for a great political movement of the people to take charge in Scotland, a movement that will free us from green colonialism, that will free us from global controls to enable us to play a very active role in the United Kingdom using our great oil and gas resources from the North Sea, and where we can find them on land too!

In the past Scotland has used it's land based fossil fuel for the benefit of us all, and so in government we will look to use again our coal resources using clean coal technology making our nation self sufficient in fuel and an active exporter, maintaining our beautiful nation using God given resource rather than suppressing it with a global agenda of control. This is simply not Scottish independence, far from it, for it is an unelected global control!

In particular, green colonialism is affecting both farmers and fisherfolk that there needs to be a government who will protect them from the ludicrous restrictions being placed by governments who will destroy their livelihoods rather than give life to their businesses. The Scottish Heritage Party will therefore look to get together with farming and fishing communities to care for the environment and at the same time remove the restrictions being put on these two crucial industries in Scotland, restrictions associated with the false notion that carbon is doing harm and affecting the climate.

Scotland therefore needs to become a nation standing up to the globalist agenda of control. Indeed we will suggest to the SNP that it is no longer a "nationalist " party, but one who instead of desiring Scottish independence, desires membership of an undemocratic EU that bows down to the globalist green agenda of the UN thus making it impossible for our nation to thrive. On "coos" alone the regulations under the SNP-Green coalition are massive, the following website embracing a global agenda of control rather than a Scottish Farmer vision of increased production alongside a nation free of ever rising energy costs due to the eco-green agenda.

Breaking old rusty chain. Weakest link concept photomontage.jpg
Image by Ramiro Pianarosa
Modern building of Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh city, Scotland, UK, view from hills of

"Breaking the chains" of

Westminster & Holyrood!

To quote Marc Morano, The so-called solutions to the supposed threat of man-made climate change would limit economic development and ban many forms of life-saving carbon-based energy. These restrictions and other policies inspired by the global warming panic function as a form of modern day colonialism.


A vote for the


is a vote opposing this agenda, a vote for restoring freedom back to our people that include potentially the greatest farming and fishing industries in the world, but to do this we need to unleash the chains!

Image by Leon Ephraïm

The King's Global Agenda - According to the Daily Telegraph on 27 April 2022 the then Prince of Wales stated approval for COW FACE MASKS to "reduce the carbon hoofprint of British beef". It is reported that about 95% of methane and carbon comes from a cow's mouth and so masking them will save the planet it would seem!

A vote for the


compulsorily on the faces of our people!


According to the NFU, Some 80% of Scotland’s land mass is under agricultural production, making the industry the single biggest determinant of the landscape we see around us. Scotland’s farmers, crofters and growers produce output worth around £2.9 billion a year, and are responsible for much of Scotland’s £5 billion food and drink exports.  

Around 67,000 people are directly employed in agriculture in Scotland – this represents around 8% of the rural workforce and means that agriculture is the third largest employer in rural Scotland after the service and public sectors.  It is estimated that a further 360,000 jobs (1 in 10 of all Scottish jobs) are dependent on agriculture.

Surely, therefore we need to have a government in Scotland to protect, rather than over-regulate an industry on the basis of the false premise of man-made climate change.

Abandoning the "farmers" traditional Tory Vote for a non WEF Party - for the WEF is looking in our view to destroy our great farming heritage, writes David P Griffiths

Pro WEF parties, like the SNP-Green Alliance here in Scotland and the Tories at Westminster, in Belgium and the Netherlands have forced draconian measures on the farmers of these two countries. How long will it be till we witness it here? The Scottish Heritage Party guarantees to farmers that our withdrawal from the UN and the WEF will retain our farming heritage for generations to come without the fear mongers fooling us again as they did in the years of the pandemic.

Robert Malone M.D. reports 3 factors from the Netherlands:

1)  Everyday people are behind the farmers in their struggles against WEF-UN policy

2)  The mainstream media in the Netherlands are suppressing information about the measures and the protests enabling the agendas of un-elected bodies to win through.

3)  The Government with EU support will win through.

Interesting that in Holland we are witnessing thepeople voting in support of the Farmers - what we cry out for here!

Traditionally Dutch farmers have been highly successful having highly efficient high tech systems, but these now struggling farmers have been unable to expand their businesses unless they reduce their nitrogen, this pressure particularly coming from the EU.

On July 28, 2022 the Spectator Australia reports: The Netherlands has descended into an ideological war zone between city-bound bureaucrats trying to polish their climate credentials on the world stage, and local farmers who have been feeding Europe for centuries. As one farmer said " This is not a democracy anymore: it's a dictatorship."

The Scottish Heritage Party supports these farmers, just as we support Scottish farmers who we ask now to change their allegiance to our Party, for it is our policies that will protect you - not the policies of the pro-UN-WEF-EU governments of Scotland & Westminster, the best way to support the Dutch being to vote in a Scottish Heritage Party Government who will immediately close remote Holyrood and give the power back to the original County Councils who can support and encourage local farming enterprises away from the interference of non-elected officials, inviting the Dutch to trade with us rather than a regulation hounding EU, this being our desire for the whole of Europe including the Belgians.

The Scottish Heritage Party will respect democracies of other countries but not the globalist agenda of en-elected control.


Scotland's Fishing Industry


After years of EU regulation and suppression of our precious Scottish fishing industry, is it not time to protect our waters, fish the seas with our own boats and bring life not only only to our struggling fish n' chip shops but also to our massive processing operations that impact not only domestic consumption but exports too!

According to Scottish government statics: Scotland's seas make up over 60 percent of the UK's total waters. Landings by Scottish vessels accounted for 60 per cent of the total value and 62 per cent of the tonnage of all landings by UK vessels in 2019.

Seafood is Scotland’s second largest export and was worth approximately £6 billion in 2017. We are committed to maintaining the long term sustainability of Scotland’s rich marine fisheries through continued support of  businesses and coastal communities and to increasing the inclusive and sustainable, long-term economic growth of the Scottish fishing industry; so says the government website.

Where the Scottish Heritage Party can help is in the area of regulation, sifting out the global green agenda in favour of a sustainable fishing industry under our laws rather than those of un-elected officials.

As regards to fishing management, we will look to grow the fleet rather than suppress it, looking into sustainability, reducing the pollution of the oceans and working with the industry itself to come to sensible conclusion of those in the business, rather than those of the global green agenda.

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