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PART ONE .......

Protection From Conception to the Grave –

1)  Return to our freedom giving Constitutional Acts,


2)  The foundations restored – returning democracy back to restored shire counties taking government away from centralization back to the people –


3) Rejection of unproven “net zero” in favour of more environmentally safe fossil fuel development –


4)  Children to be children at home and in school –


5)  Electric vehicle scrappage scheme, manufacturers replacing such vehicles with more environmentally safe fossil fuel vehicles -


6) For farmers freedom to develop our great agricultural industry – and for the fishing community -freedom to fish for our great seafood operations – exported around the World


7)  Police Force De-Centralization restoring law and order


8) A healthier community with an un-stressed NHS free from killing babies in wombs and assisted dying and free from killer so called “vaccines” –


9) Illegal immigration sorted free from global control –


10) Release from global & national censorship –


11) Scotland: a great military nation once more – peacekeeping & preventing unecessary wars


12) A great Scottish transport infrastructure & maintenance scheme –


13) World class football to Scotland  “to be a nation again!”


Time to break the chains of establishment by VOTING SCOTTISH


Pregnant woman holding and looking sonogram or ultrasonography picture of her unborn baby.
Oil derrick

Scotland's OIL

Scotland to be the economic hub of UK using our great natural resources

Fossil Fuel Cars - reduced radiation, reduced risk of fire, reduced risk of pothole making, saving children from lithium mining as in DR Congo

Beef and Dairy Production protected,

and supported by government

Breaking old rusty chain. Weakest link concept photomontage.jpg

General Election Manifesto 2024

Writes David P Griffiths, Scotland Co-ordinator

It is my conviction that the whole establishment order is rotten and corrupt from the top to the bottom, so rotten and corrupt that it cannot be repaired or put back together again. What is needed is an implication of the BREXIT VOTE of 2016 that did not mean handing over our rights from the EU to the WEF but rather have a true nationalist Scotland in a nationalist UK free from global powers that look to take away the sovereignty of nations – global trading – YES but global controls – NO!




A vote for us is a vote for LIFE, from conception to the grave!

Letter X

Coming Up!

The Scottish Heritage Party 2024 Manifesto



Scotland: An equal Nation in the grand kingdom of nations -                                            

Exposure of the SNP-Green Alliance and cost to the economy -                             

Protecting from “Conception to the Grave” -                                                                 

David Kurten: Being connected to the roots -                                                               

Freedom Under Attack -                                                                                                    

Proportional Representation and prevention of postal fraud -                                             

Charles McEwan: Why we were founded -                                                                   




OUR CONSTITUTIONAL HERITAGE IN SCOTLAND -                                             

Our written constitution -                                                                                                 

First Constitutional Act -                                                                                                   

“Virtue”: at the very heart of our constitution -                                                            

Constitutionally tackling the errors of government -                                                            

Tackling the nation’s religious tensions -                                                                       

Peace, unity, and tranquillity of the realm -                                                                         

Scotland’s Unique Position -                                                                                             

Repression of foreign laws and systems into our nation -                                            

Second Constitutional Act -                                                                                             

The Oath of the Monarch and how that relates to Scotland -                                         

Our Puritan Heritage is one of freedom and not religious suppression -                   

The Coronation Oath and its obligations on us all                                                           

David Kurten: Preserving our Heritage and Culture                                                           




BACK TO THE SHIRES OF SCOTLAND                                                                  

From the 17th. century Scotland until 1975 enjoyed

real local government and cultural identity                                                                   

Restoration of local identity and provosts                                                                     

A Local Police Force Again                                                                                               

Lord Lieutenants or Sheriffs ensuring our heritage and culture is not destroyed        

Local encouragement of tourism                                                                                      

Developing counties with a heart and vision rather than centralized

un-democratic enforcement of controls                                                                           

Local taxation based on ability to pay rather than out-dated valuations                      

Local business and charity support teams to benefit local communities              

Endorsing the Gunning principles which state that consultation is the backbone

of representative democracy                                                                                            



The Scottish Economy: BUILD A PROSPEROUS,

CARING NATION TOGETHER                                                                                    

A caring, loving society                                                                                                     

Rejecting the notion of a man-made fossil fuel crisis                                                           

Exploring the possibility of clean coal production, protecting our smokeless

zones and clean peat production                                                                                     

Extending North Sea gas and oil extraction off our coasts                                    

Self-sufficiency in energy resources with the possibility of being a net exporter

Removing the need for the WEF “Great Reset”                                                             

Tackling what is holding us back                                                                                     

The Real Nationalist therefore VOTES SCOTTISH HERITAGE PARTY for


Not being brainwashed by establishment party presentations of one science          

Balancing the books                                                                                                           

Exposure of Marxist ideology                                                                                          




RESTORING OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM IN SCOTLAND                                   

The marked decline of education under the SNP/Green Alliance                        

Replacing the LGBTQ+ curriculum with foundational courses in

Religious Education                                                                                                            

We will ensure that pupils and students are once again taught ‘how to think

rather than what to think.’                                                                                                

Children to be children and the role of parents                                                             

Parenthood and the teaching of history                                                                          

Self-sufficiency in skills                                                                                                     

Blocking teaching materials and lessons which encourage early sexual activity

in children before they reach the age of consent.                                                           





Making use of our mineral wealth within the context of a cleaner

& more prosperous environment                                                                                     

Exposing Kyoto and Paris, COP after COP                                                                    

The environmentally unfriendly establishment green policies                                              

Oil and Gas Industry was a Scottish invention                                                            

ELECTRIC VEHICLE SCRAPPAGE SCHEME                                                              

Environmentally friendly fossil fuel policy                                                                    

The New “Ten Commandment” green religion exposed                                             

Rejection of a climate emergency                                                                                     





Freedom from green colonialism                                                                                     

Standing up to the globalist agenda of control freeing farming & fishing                  

Abandoning the "farmers" traditional Tory Vote for a non WEF Party –

for the WEF is looking in our view to destroy our great farming heritage                  

Supporting the Dutch farmers example                                                                          

Not the policies of the pro-UN-WEF-EU governments of Scotland & Westminster

The harm of the EU years and putting that right                                                           

Life to our struggling fish n' chip shops                                                                         

Where the Scottish Heritage Party can help is in regulation, sifting out the global

green agenda in favour of a sustainable fishing industry under our laws rather

than those of un-elected officials                                                                                      

Dealing with harmful chemical, biological and radiological hazards                                   



LAW AND ORDER TO SCOTLAND                                                                            

Members of the legal process must not be members of secretive closed order

societies to keep in line with UK Nolan Principles of Government                         

Embracing the Nolan Principles of Government                                                            

De-centralization of the Police Force                                                                              

Zero tolerance for drug abuse and crime                                                                      

Harsh punishment for criminals, particularly drug criminals                                           

Tackling youth crime working with parents and education departments                  

Exposing the un-constitutional Scotland “hate—crime” bill                                        

Is the First Minister guilty of his own hate crime law                                                           

The SNP/Green Alliance threat to faith groups                                                             

Attack rather than protection of the elderly                                                                  

Libby Purves: How far Scotland has fallen                                                                     

Liberty, Freedom, and Justice                                                                                           




IS IN PREVENTION                                                                                                         

Reducing costs, preventing illness and disease, and having a healthier community

Page 61

More people have died with the use of mRNA vaccines and lockdown than

COVID 19                                                                                                                         

The Needless Lockdown                                                                                                  

The National Disgrace of Abortion                                                                                 

Ignoring the warnings of eminent scientists and medics in the

Great Barrington Declaration costing lives                                                                     

Tackling un-elected global controls                                                                                 

Banning mRNA vaccines with their HEK 293 kidney tissue cell lines                     

Poisoning blood streams of the nation, and causing

death after death by lockdown                                                                                         

Supporting the work of the UK Medical Alliance                                                           

Dr Aseem Malhotra in the Journal of Insulin Resistance  called

for an immediate and complete suspension of mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”                    

We in the Scottish Heritage Party will push strongly for a major inquiry

into blood clotting and the “vaccine”                                                                             

Giving a warning and a strike to youtube for false censorship                                       

Cancelling “cancel culture”                                                                                              

Malone concluding that natural immunity is "more robust,

longer lasting and more protective."                                                                                

Pressure on pharmaceutical companies to compensate!                                     

No human being including the child’s mother has any right whatsoever

to kill a child precious to God                                                                                          

It is a scientific fact that human life in the womb begins long

before breathing at conception                                                                                         

Protecting Teenage Children from any form of life changing

surgery during years of puberty                                                                                      

Dealing with the lack of confidence in public services which is at is at an

all-time low with pessimism growing                                                                           

Compensation for those illegally locked down                                                             

Bringing to justice the pharmaceutical companies and exposing the WHO                 

The heart of the Heritage Party’s founder in saving the lives of unborn children          

David Kurten: Putting things right                                                                                  

Charles Mc Ewan: Highlighting the problems and solutions                                          





TO THE WORLD FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY                                                          

Great concern throughout the UK that our heritage is being taken over

by global control                                                                                                            

Dealing with illegal immigrants                                                                                       

Withdrawing from the UN Global Migration Compact,

the Barcelona Declaration, and the Marrakesh Declaration                                       

Beefing up the Border Force                                                                                              

Protection of borders and saving our vital services                                                         

Learning the distinct Scottish heritage and culture                                                           



FREEDOM TO THE CENSORED                                                                                  

End to getting strikes on youtube for telling the truth                                                           

Exposing government ignoring of medical experts like Dr Robert Malone                   

1)  What about the cover-up about the origins of the virus?

2)  What about the dangers of the vaccine?

3)  What about the cover-up of the effectiveness of early treatments?

4)  What about the censorship?

5)  When is the government going to come clean?                                                           

Exposing censorship at Westminster                                                                             

WHO not open to all sides of science                                                                             

Dr Mike Yeadon exposes the truth                                                                                  

The Scottish Heritage Party believes that freedom to express opinions

in the public square is fundamental to a free and democratic society                         

The cancelling of “cancel culture”                                                                                




AT THE FOREFRONT OVER MANY YEARS                                                            

The managed decline of the British armed forces must stop                                                           

We should once again become a strong military power                                                           

There must be no control of our armed forces by anyone apart from the

UK government                                                                                                                     

The UK should not become entangled in far-away foreign conflicts which have nothing

to do with our national interests                                                                                           

Treasuring our veterans                                                                                                    



The Greatest Train, Ferry, Car, Bus, and Plane Rides in the World                        

Putting a stop to the allegiance to the “Green Religion”                                                      

We will build the A75/A77 Gretna to Glasgow D ROAD dual carriageway

linking up the M6/M74 with clear transport links to Northern Ireland                 

From Stirling to John O’Groats, we will upgrade the A9                                         

From Inverness to Aberdeen, we will witness the A96 dual carriageway               

We will improve our ferry services bringing CAL MAC again

into private ownership                                                                                                       

New railway line from Carlisle to Cairnryan and the Northern Ireland ferries,

with the extension of the Borders line to Carlisle                                                         

Restoration of branch lines cut by Beeching, many of which can now be

profitable with the increase in tourism we will encourage in Scotland.                   

The Heritage Party fully opposes Agenda 2030 and the war on cars                                

Scrapping of charging schemes in cities                                                                          

Expansion of our airports taking pressure off Heathrow and encouraging

tourist and business traffic into Scotland                                                                        



SCOTTISH FOOTBALL – If Cardiff City and Swansea City can play

in the Premier League, then why not Celtic and Rangers?                                         

Can we not ask about the suppression of

two colossal football clubs in our country?                                                                    

It is the policy of the Scottish Heritage Party to ask questions only,                              

not to legislate         

We believe Celtic and Rangers fully part of an enhanced Premier League            

1 DPG.jpg

David P Griffiths writes (pictured): The Heritage Party UK was founded in 2020 with the declaration of social conservatism by David Kurten, former member of the London Assembly. David has a big heart for Scotland having been educated at the University of St Andrews graduating in 1993.

Whilst serving in the London Assembly David confronted Sadiq Khan and his emphasis on gender ideology at the expense of family values which for centuries have been the backbone of our nation. In addition to this, David challenged the establishment order whilst on the Assembly in keeping to BREXIT promises and to stop talking about a second referendum.


Over the last four years David (pictured) has led a Party that from the very outset opposed untested mRNA so called vaccines revealing that the COVID alarm was way over the top, a revelation now being proven by the terrible impact of the so-called vaccine rollout and consequent lockdown that has destroyed the country economically, socially as well as the health of the nation with its excess deaths and “vaccine” injured, and demise of the NHS, now a shadow of its former self.


Building from the heart of the UK manifesto, I have been called to establish in Scotland our Party declaring on one hand Scotland’s unique nationhood that is so established as being an equal nation in our grand Kingdom of nations that was once great and can be great again. On the other hand, Scotland needs a credible opposition to oppose the SNP-Green Alliance that instead of being nationalistic is fully global bowing down to the false premise of man-made climate change and acceptance of dangerous medical interventions so embraced by the WHO.

Economically Holyrood has proven to be a disaster and so we are bringing to Scotland a programme of de-centralisation that will fully reform government in our nation to properly reflect our nation’s heritage, to restore our high streets with local businesses flourishing, to restore our farming and fishing industries without the restraints of global scams and of course be fully self sufficient in fuel, with Scotland making full use of its God given national resources.

Ethically we will protect the people from “conception to the grave”, a promise many of our opponents fail to give and so we can look towards a great future of a Scotland that is fully nationalistic, of a Scotland that has family right at the heart of its life, a Scotland free from the global cultural Marxism so embraced by the establishment parties, a Scotland that is a great nation fully part of a restored Great Britain.

Declares David Kurten: For a nation to thrive it must be connected to its roots. We as the living generation are responsible for looking after the heritage which has been passed to us from our forefathers, and we have a duty to pass it on to the generations which will come after us. This is the basis of social conservatism. 


Successive governments have eroded our freedom, given away our sovereignty and mismanaged our economy. 

The Heritage Party exists to return to the principles of social conservatism, to reverse the cultural destruction wreaked by politically correct ideologies and to return to our true traditions and heritage. In embracing these principles, we believe the United Kingdom can once again become a great and prosperous nation.


It is a matter of fact that our nation’s freedoms are under attack so the Scottish Heritage Party will restore freedom of choice and speech without fear of prosecution. In declaring the scrapping of the Scottish Parliament, the Scottish Heritage Party supports the setting up of a genuine Scottish Parliament without the high costs of the present one and dramatic losses of its economic policies.


In restoring the original county borders, each county will enjoy further democratic choices with Scottish MP’s being MSP’s too representing the counties gathering in Edinburgh at regular intervals dealing with matters of Scotland’s nationhood within the United Kingdom. This policy brings forward a massive decrease in costs (taxpayers money) and an increase in democratic rights with counties being better represented with their local areas enjoying proactive Provosts and members of local government working with the people rather than dominating the population with the globalist centralized powers of present-day Holyrood.


For centuries our laws have declared the heading “Spiritual and Temporal” now eliminated in Scotland by a globalist Scottish Parliament making laws without the spiritual understandings of our heritage and written constitution.

The following pages give insight of how we will restore democracy in Scotland by ensuring peers sign up not only to the spiritual heritage of England, Wales and Northern Ireland but also to Scotland thus giving a halter to laws that are akin to Marxism rather than to our written constitution.


Continues David Kurten: The ‘first-past-the-post’ system is undemocratic. It is not fit for purpose in this era of multiple parties. Most candidates are elected with fewer than 50% of the votes, and thus the majority has no true representation.

The Heritage Party supports Proportional Representation in all elections, from Parliament to local districts and boroughs. Only then will all votes matter. Instead of the majority of the electorate voting tactically to keep out the worst candidate or party, people will be free to vote positively to elect a party or candidate they genuinely support and know that their vote really does count. That is a far healthier system.


The historic House of Lords and the recently-created Supreme Court have been corrupted by being stuffed full of party apparatchiks. Few Peers and Law Lords are now independent, free-thinking cross-benchers with a lifetime of service to the nation. These bodies need radical reform to make them fit for the 21st century providing genuine, safe independent scrutiny.


The last decade has seen a plethora of new and expensive political posts created which duplicate or complicate existing roles. These include Police and Crime Commissioners, Metro Mayors and elected local Mayors. All of these positions waste vast sums of taxpayers’ money for no benefit. They should be scrapped and their functions returned to county or borough councils.


We will scrap the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Senedd and return their powers to Westminster or local councils as appropriate.


The Heritage Party will take practical steps to ensure the security of elections and end election fraud. Postal voting should be restricted to the armed forces and severely disabled voters. Voter ID must be presented at polling stations, and voting should be restricted to British citizens only. Students must only be registered to vote in one location to prevent double-voting. Counting must continue to be done manually rather than using electronic counting machines


It is clear therefore that a vote for the Scottish Heritage Party is a vote for a return to nationhood and democracy rather than centralized control.

Writes Charles McEwan on why he joined the Scottish Heritage Party:  The Scottish Heritage Party was founded because our culture and heritage are under severe attack by subversive ideologies in the guise of political correctness. Everybody can see how “Cancel Culture” is wrecking our society. This is a real and present danger to the fabric of our society, and it needs to be confronted but unless you, the people, vote into Parliament people with common sense beliefs, it will not happen.


The slow corrosion caused by the Marxist ‘Long March Through the Institutions’ is now clearly before our eyes. Back in the 1920s the Marxists said “We are going to make the West so rotten, it stinks” by undermining the family, destroying religion, creating mass immigration to destabilise society etc. To date, we can see that they have been very successful with that agenda. Marxist groups and activists openly agitate to smash capitalism, disrupt the nuclear family, defund the police, and propose that convicted rapists should be incarcerated in women’s prisons while accusing British society of systemic injustice. 


The Scottish Heritage Party rejects these false narratives and believes we should celebrate our culture and heritage. Our traditional values which promoted liberty and enterprise balanced by individual responsibility, creates the opportunity for citizens to prosper. Our Common Law based on Christian principles is the fairest system of justice in the world, and the United Kingdom is one of the best places in the world for members of minority communities to live.

The Scottish Heritage Party is open to all people regardless of their beliefs. If you agree with our principles or even just most of them, please vote for us because the mainstream political parties are destroying our civilization. Our policies are based on the teaching of Jesus Christ. We make no apologies for that, but you don’t have to be a Christian to join the Scottish Heritage Party or vote for us and we encourage Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims and people of all different belief systems, even atheists, to vote for us because our policies are based on common sense principles that will allow our society to prosper and all our citizens to live in peace with each other.


We do follow the science; we accept biological science and believe that a man cannot become a woman – something the other mainstream parties seem to have a problem with. That alone should encourage you to consider changing your traditional voting habits and having a look more closely at what the Scottish Heritage Party stands for and the policies we promote. If you look back over the last 20 years, you will see that our freedoms have been stripped from us and more will follow but you are being told it is only for your own good because your political masters know what is best for you. If you want freedom, vote for it.


The original ECHR of 1950 was a good convention but now activist judges in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg have made all manner of rulings which prevent the UK government from carrying out the wishes of the British electorate. They have blocked the deportation of terrorists on several occasions. If we wish to have full national sovereignty, we must leave the ECHR. Our own system of Common Law will better protect the human rights of our citizens better.





Introduction - it is not true to say Britain does not have a "written constitution”.


Understanding British Justice from the outset requires an understanding that despite of common belief Great Britain has written Constitutional Acts that surround the Monarch who is Head of State not only of the Nation but also what is described as Anglicana Ecclesia in England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own ecclesiastical histories, and these we will embrace in our restored House of Lords which will come after a Heritage Party victory.


These acts have given freedom of choice for centuries not only to our nation but to the whole world, so many legal systems being based on these to bring fairness and justice rather than suppression and overzealous application of legalism. For centuries our written constitution has provided protection from “conception to the grave”, the child in the womb enjoying the same protection under the Ten Commandments as anybody else.


Great Britain therefore clearly has written Constitutional Acts around the Monarch but more important than this, these are designed to be spoken out so we have more than a written Constitution, we have a spoken one and the significance of this will be made clear!


The Scottish Heritage Party will undoubtedly prove that compromising our Constitutional Acts seriously has affected the peace and harmony the British people have long enjoyed, until the present infiltration of blatant Marxism. This freedom and harmony have not only been for us but also for the whole world that is now in danger of coming under a global order of communism that suppresses free choice.




The British Constitutional Acts given under God respect the freedom of choice communism rejects and because of the demand to apply law with law and justice in mercy, judges who represent the Monarch in our courts are required to be wise not under regulation and rule but under the heart of the Monarch who is called to apply law mercifully.




EACH CURRENT MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OF LORDS will be allowed to keep their seats on condition that they thoroughly know and respect our Constitution and have not voted in favour of abortion, euthanasia, and green ideology, all of which deny Constitutional rights. The same principle will apply to Royal Family Members who are either on the throne or in line to the throne.


Since the beginning of coming under Brussels control we have had laws undemocratically forced upon us causing much heartache and suffering to so many. The history of British justice does not relate at all to the Corpus Juris of Europe, our history demanding evidence rather than suspicion and perception, a hallmark of the EU system and more importantly we will prove that in our justice system spirituality has preference over the temporal, a very important point for we deal here with underlying factors not seen by the outward appearance. This is why the Bible places wisdom above knowledge, it being our history to have bank managers in our local communities having local knowledge – yes – but more importantly being able to make decisions with wisdom, a factor computer technology cannot provide. This applies to all aspects of life, and it is the aim of this Party to bring this wisdom to our nation to bring change from the order of the establishment to those who look for us to return to the foundations our fathers have set.

FIRST CONSTITUTIONAL ACT: The 1534/1559 Act of Supremacy


The obligations of this act are as follows:


  1. Increase in virtue (anointing) of Christ’s Religion. As we look to return the nation back to the heart of British Justice it is very important to understand the word virtue as it comes right at the beginning of this Constitutional Act. To gain understanding we look at this word alongside understanding of what it means to have a constitution which Great Britain undoubtedly has.


According to the Oxford Dictionary a Constitution is as follows: A body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed:  


The same dictionary refers to virtue as follows: A quality considered morally good or desirable in a person


Under the EU, and now the global elite we have lived in a pessimistic, over-regulated and suppressed society but here with our own Constitutional Acts we have a vibrant alternative. The people are fed up with politicians who know everything with their self-righteous pronouncements that have led to austerity and fear. Here is a real alternative to this by honouring the God of our Constitutional Acts who calls us to give all diligence, adding to our faith virtue and to our virtue knowledge, in that order. What has happened in our educational system is the pursuit of knowledge without virtue leaving us a virtue-less society without moral fibre that has been crumbling all around us.


By having a nation that honours God, therefore, will come a fairness, an equality in society with its members able to flourish in a climate that is not just about wealth creation but about being prepared to give to the less fortunate in generosity, love, and care. This is the context of our Coronation Service placing great emphasis on our Commonwealth and from our newfound prosperity having left the chains of the EU, we need a vision for our whole Commonwealth to flourish, commonwealth literally meaning what it says!


This is why in our Coronation Oath law is instructed to be applied with law and justice in mercy, a provision not available under EU law but in British Justice a demand of service on all judges, and other government services. It is constitutionally illegal to be bound by law, rather than the liberty of the Spirit, which means the spirit takes priority over the letter! It is this that has changed since EU membership and it will take a time of de-programming to bring our nation back to its root of LIFE!


It is therefore the heart of the 1534 Act of Supremacy to have a nation of the SPIRIT FIRST with virtue streaming from our portals of power, such virtue that heals the broken-hearted to such a degree that our nation can be a shining light of justice to the world rather than the suppressed entity it has been for too long!


There is now opportunity in Britain to return to being a caring, loving society, loving our neighbour, embracing the ethos of the Good Samaritan in that he could be anyone from whatever ethnic background, colour or creed who saves one’s life by the wayside and with that heart in mind we can bring our nation back to a unity under the Supremacy of God, with those at the helm operating with loving virtue understanding that it is with the heart we believe unto righteousness.


2.  Repress and extirpate all errors, heresies, and other enormities and abuses. Thomas Stephen’s Book of the Constitution of Great Britain reminds us that this Act was given within the context of Britain having been subject to a foreign power, at this time Rome rather than the Treaty of Rome we were under in the EU years. Henry VIII was determined to see that this would never happen again, thus the European treaties had become a threat to this Supremacy with their taking out of the Supremacy of God, remembering the whole ethos here being in virtue, that is an out-going God living in the hearts of believers. The believers were to become the manifestation of God, so we have a spoken as well as written Constitution, a constitution to be applied with virtue, rather than the letter which is the hallmark of the EU.,+heresies,+and+other+enormities+and+abuses.&source=bl&ots=N5rkWU4NQi&sig=sNe4QTe4UYi-6ECyqz3DD2IT8Yo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwilnJuIrOHNAhXlBsAKHSNmA8oQ6AEIJzAC#v=onepage&q=Repress%20and%20extirpate%20all%20errors%2C%20heresies%2C%20and%20other%20enormities%20and%20abuses.&f=false page 695


It is our view therefore that the errors, heresies, and other enormities and abuses intimated here relate to a foreign power looking to question the individual sovereignty of a nation that is instructed to be repressed here. This today relates to the global controls of the WEF, WHO, UN etc. being undemocratically forced upon us, something that a Heritage Party Government will repel.


3.  The Monarch to act in the line of repressing the extremities that are religiously affecting the nation. Religious extremism from all sides is perhaps the biggest threat affecting our nation, as it was in Jesus’ time on earth. Whenever he looked to bring LIFE, religious suppression would be knocking on his door looking to pull down the virtue he was operating by.


Jesus’s response was uncompromising, and it is this example that in our view is coming out of this precious Act restored by Queen Elizabeth I. In Britain today, the people have been afraid of religious extremists, not those who are extreme in their love for others but towards those who are so religiously bound they look to do harm to those of opposite view.


All our Constitutional Acts are choice giving, protecting the right of the individual to make that choice even to the point of choosing other gods including secular humanism. What is demanded in these acts is respect to what they stand for and to the Monarch who is there to uphold them in the nation, all government employees being bound to protect their principles. Sadly, since EU membership this has broken down but can now be restored, through those who are of whatever religious background, those who look to bring life and not death, it being noticeable today with communistic thinking influencing Rome, that orthodox Roman Catholics are joining our Party united with Protestants who recognize the threat to our democracy and the freewill these constitutional acts over history have given.


In this context we must not allow the Parliamentary Oath to be of routine and neither must we allow the prayers before each law-making session to be of repetition – what the country is requiring is government officials of the heart primarily rather than Pharisaic hypocrites which for years have done our country great harm.


I (name of Member) swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Monarch, his heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God.


4.  To conserve the peace, unity and tranquillity of the realm. Our policy is to encourage inter-faith dialogue, recognizing the differences between us rather than try to marry faiths together for all have very different backgrounds. Bringing understanding is a far better alternative bringing an end to sectarianism that particularly has affected the West Coast of Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Ehler and Morrall in their book Church and State Through the Centuries p.163 refer to this act as the theoretical coping stone of the legal edifice of the English Reformation.,+unity+and+tranquillity+of+the+realm&source=bl&ots=KyZePMIIF3&sig=fkraSicAWmT4ORopfIANsMLO0DU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiErc-VwOPNAhULAsAKHe14AKkQ6AEILzAD#v=onepage&q=To%20conserve%20the%20peace%2C%20unity%20and%20tranquillity%20of%20the%20realm&f=false


The concern of the act is primarily to ascertain the Supremacy of Great Britain and who was to be the Head of this, and this through the word virtue we have discovered, but there is a further concern in that the act was not only designed to remove foreign interference in our affairs then but in our view also forever.


It needs to be understood that there is a question here in relation to the authorship of this act, the act being written with a very high authority of virtue, within the context of the removal of foreign interference in the nation’s affairs so it is my view that whoever wrote this act did so under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, and this could well have been Thomas Cromwell.


Here one had the King’s demand for supremacy and on the other hand knowing that it was God who needed to be in control. The ideal solution therefore to keep the peace, unity and tranquillity of the realm was to take the Supremacy out of man’s hands and directly into God’s, for it was to be a spiritual covenant with God that was to bring the unity and tranquillity, and so after BREXIT we put forward this needs to be the case again, our last Monarch as Head of State already sworn to this ideal. It is with this present-day Protestants and orthodox Roman Catholics can agree for unless we come together on this, then humanism with its ever-changing principles will take control away from those who seek God primarily.



HISTORICALLY SCOTLAND HAS BEEN BROUGHT INTO THESE BENEFITS even though the nation has an entirely different ecclesiastical background but the roots of these backgrounds remain the same, the Church of England coming out of Luther and then the Oxford Martyrs - Cranmer, Latimer and Ridley whilst Scotland's history came out of Calvin, Knox and the Covenanters, the latter being martyrs and producers of the SOLEMN, LEAGUE AND COVENANT, all of these acts and covenants placing God as the Head of our nations.


The coming together of monarchies occurred through King James VI of Scotland crowned at Stirling who also became King James I of England, both countries being brought under THE KING JAMES BIBLE, the Bible presented to the last Queen as the lively oracles of God by the Moderator of the Church of Scotland. This is why this Bible, and this Bible alone must be used in all services of state rather than Bibles constantly changed by the Vatican and Bible Societies in the Nestle Aland Committee.


The Roman Catholic position has come out of that which was presented by the Celtic saints including Ninian and Columba and of course Patrick whose doctrine of the Trinity illustrated by the shamrock is an area that all Christian backgrounds can agree upon.


5.  To repress the infiltration of foreign laws and systems into our nation.  Perhaps the most important part of the BREXIT campaign was the fact that foreign powers were implementing their law on an accepting Great Britain. The actual amount of legislation is disputed leading up to about 70% of our laws coming from an un-democratic EU, and now post-Brexit we seem again to be under a power, the global elite not allowing former Prime Minister Truss her budget!


By prohibiting all foreign infiltration into our legal processes, the Scottish Heritage Party in Scotland and the Heritage Party nationwide is upholding this Act of Supremacy designed to protect all of the people from conception to the grave!


The Elizabethan Settlement & The Coronation Oath


​FIRST: The Oath

The Monarch is the “only Supreme Governor” – not the elected Parliament, not the Prime Minister, not the Welsh Assembly or Scottish and Northern Ireland Parliaments but the Monarch. Certainly not Brussels and the European Union! It is THE MONARCH’S responsibility.


In effect not only is the Monarch Head of State alone, but it has also been placed into the responsibilities of ministry leadership, thus the Monarch carries a responsibility of leaders under God.


The idea of a Monarch over a State goes back to Old Testament days, our own Coronation Service having its roots in the Coronation of Solomon, it needing to be understood therefore the covenantal obligations of a nation under God. As we read in scripture “Israel”, so we read Britain today within the context of the continuation of the Zadok priesthood. (These comments relate to ancient Israel and its roots)


God promised to be with Israel if they complied with certain conditions. Likewise, with us all, He is a Covenant God, and this ethos needs to be understood and run through all the activity of Monarchical and Governmental authorities, it being the role of officials to be aware of this, and ensure the Nation fully embraces this Biblical Demand.


In the New Testament this includes the “all in it together culture” of the Early Church, not only having a covenantal culture with God but also with each other as one in God, that is having an open, transparent, and honest relationship with each other, the path of true holiness.


The divisions of present-day Britain are a sign of moving away from this God given culture, a sign of gross sin before God, a sign of moving away from a puritan passion to one that favours competition and argument between men rather than the Constitutional demand of being one in Christ Jesus!


The Biblical warnings are clear, and obvious to those persecuted holding onto the puritan heritage of our nation. The cultural Marxist state can do all it likes, for we constitutionally have a Monarch called to uphold Puritanism rather than the accursed secular state.


Our role is to ensure that holiness and purity in all humility runs through our nation removing that which offends God, this requires an openness one to another, no secret agendas to enable us not only to remain pure in our nation, the role of Great Britain and its puritan partner the USA being to bring nations to account under God, a power far higher than all the nuclear weapons of the world!




*  The demand includes spiritual and ecclesiastical things thus making our society a spiritual one and not the secular mish mash of human philosophy and false religion it has become!


*  All foreign infiltrators like those of the E.U. and religious infiltrators are outlawed from our British society!


*  The Oath places an obligation on all people who live here to honour our British Constitutional acts – or within today’s context – LEAVE! Queen Elizabeth I would clearly not have tolerated the nonsense of present-day Britain, would not have tolerated the immorality and abuse, would not have tolerated human greed over loving and caring for one another!


SECOND: The Act itself that includes the Oath


*  The Act restores the ancient jurisdiction of the Crown over the State in both ecclesiastical and spiritual matters.


*  The abolition of all foreign interference in our affairs, this abolition being absolutely flouted by E.U. & global infiltration.


*  Complete restoration of Henry VIII original Act of Supremacy, likely to have been put together by Thomas Cromwell.


* Mention is given of the unlawful act repealing the 1534 act, all today’s attempts are therefore equally unlawful.


*  The bowing down to foreign power in the act is referred to as “bondage.”


*  In the act foreign infiltration is forever extinguished making it unconstitutional to place the country’s affairs under foreign laws and regimes.


*  Following people particularly called to keep the terms of the oath: Archbishops, Bishops, all ecclesiastical persons, temporal judges, justicers, mayors. These persons are all required to keep the terms of the oath meaning it is compulsory today for all these persons to recognize the Monarch as “Supreme Governor” on condition of course that the Monarch has kept the terms of the Act herself, to ensure our society is a spiritual one and not a secular one, to see that there is no foreign infiltration in our society’s laws etc., and to ensure that our Protestant constitutional acts are kept to.


*  The Act places obligation to see that all those offending the act be brought to justice.


*  The act establishes it to be illegal to tamper with the canon of scripture, the fundamentals of the faith of which the Monarch is oath bound to be the Defender of, clearly are denied on the Alexandrian line now widely used in the Church of England, so how can its clergy and Monarch defend in the context of ever-changing scriptures.


Act Establishing the Coronation Oath 1689


 Here are the demands of the Oath:


  1. Maintain the statutes, laws, and customs of the realm.

  2. Government of the People is the Monarch’s responsibility according to the statutes of Parliament and the laws and customs of the same.

  3. Law and justice in mercy to be executed in all judgements.

  4. The Laws of God maintained, the Monarch being obligated to do this by the utmost of her power meaning she is honour bound not to allow laws onto the statute book that contravene the Word of God, any such law being null and void according to this constitutional demand.

  5. The utmost of the Monarch’s power has to be used in relation to the ongoing profession of the Gospel and the Protestant Reformed Religion that has been established by law.

  6. Rights and privileges are given by law to Bishops and clergy meaning in reality that anyone who tries to quieten the ministry of the Gospel would be in effect guilty of High Treason.


The Christian faith today is under great attack in our nation, with un-constitutional restrictions and cancellations being placed upon it in favour of affirming lifestyles contrary to scripture. We will reverse this trend and ensure charities, political parties and NGO’s that affirm these constitutional acts will be given favour in relation to grants and government support bringing a major change of emphasis to our nation, the programme of de-population being changed to an increase in traditional families enjoying the overwhelming resources our world has, resources given to us by a “more than enough” God and so a SCOTTISH HERITAGE PARTY – HERITAGE PARTY government will be one of increase rather than the decrease of globally controlled establishment parties.


In everyday terms the principles of our great written constitution will be applied by a Heritage Party government.


Declared David Kurten: We have a great and proud history, but our culture and heritage are under severe attack by subversive ideologies in the guise of political correctness. This is a real and present danger to the fabric of our society. The slow corrosion of the ‘Long March Through the Institutions’ is now evident. Marxist groups and activists openly agitate to smash capitalism, disrupt the nuclear family, defund the police and close prisons while accusing British society of systemic injustice.


The United Kingdom left the European Union in January 2020, but the new treaties that have been made with the EU are far from perfect and leave unfinished business. We must leave the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) so we can take back full control of our rich 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone for fishing, end the Northern Ireland Protocol which has divided our nation with a trade and customs barrier down the middle of the Irish Sea between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and disentangle ourselves from the ‘level playing field’ requirements that commit us to ‘net-zero’ carbon emissions. On leaving the TCA, we will offer a new free-trade agreement that removes its onerous restrictions on fishing, Northern Ireland and carbon emissions.


It is good that we are now free to make our own trade deals around the world, but we must ensure that any new trade deals are mutually beneficial and do not snare us into accepting new regulations, harm our essential industries or remove jobs to countries with inferior working practices.


The EU is not the only organisation which has impinged on our sovereignty however. We must ensure that we do not make any treaty or join any international organisation which involves in any way the surrender of any part of the United Kingdom’s sovereignty. The British people must never be subject to the imposition of a foreign legal or monetary system, or the jurisdiction of foreign courts. 


To truly regain our sovereignty, we must re-think our membership of international organisations and agreements which previous governments have signed. We should remain members of international bodies, treaties and conventions which are beneficial to our national interests, but we should not join or continue to be part of globalist arrangements which dilute our sovereignty and interfere with our democracy by imposing conditions and policies on the nation which the people never voted for. These include the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), the Paris Climate Agreement, the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the World Health Organisation (WHO).


The original ECHR is a good convention which was drafted in 1950 by British lawyers to help restore human rights to a continent devastated by Hitler’s National Socialism. Seventy years on however, activist judges in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg have made all manner of rulings which prevent the UK government from imposing law and order here at home and carrying out the wishes of the British electorate. They have ruled that we cannot impose whole-life sentences on murderers, we must give prisoners the vote, and have blocked the deportation of terrorists on several occasions, leaving them free to roam the streets of Britain. If we wish to have full national sovereignty, we must leave the ECHR and trust that our own system of Common Law will better protect the human rights of our citizens without the interference of foreign activist judges.


Constitutionally, therefore we are a nation of the family, of high moral values of a constitution that places God as Creator whose principles need to be honoured and not suppressed as they are at present.  Writes Charles McEwan: We uphold the right of individuals to make choices about how they conduct their personal lives, but for the well-being of children, we believe that the institution of marriage as being between one man and one woman are fundamental to the fabric of a good society and the transmission of values, customs, traditions and identity from parents to children through the generations.


The traditional nuclear family where a mother and father bring up their own children has been proven to be the best preparation and most successful model for bringing up healthy and well-balanced children. There are many excellent single parents, carers and guardians who do their very best for the children in their care, but the evidence clearly indicates that children brought up by Mum and Dad have better educational attainment, economic success and health, and lower rates of crime, suicide, depression, drug abuse or self-harm. We will encourage and support the traditional family structure through the tax system and education, and we oppose the engineering of society to suggest that all family structures are of equal value.


In particular, boys need fathers. Boys who have been abandoned by their fathers, or deprived of contact with them by an often discriminatory legal system, are far more likely to turn to gangs and crime than boys who are raised with a male role model. Refuting divisive notions of ‘toxic masculinity’, we will promote father figures and the nurturing of each boy to become a good man.


We will not allow schools to propagate anti-family propaganda which undermines the picture of the traditional nuclear family as the best model of family. We will also block teaching materials and lessons which encourage early sexual activity in children before they reach the age of consent, or inappropriate materials detailing non-reproductive sexual acts. We will also oppose unscientific theories about gender fluidity. It is a scientific fact that there are two sexes: male and female, which are determined by anatomy and chromosomes. Transgender propaganda which confuses children about their biological sex and damages their natural development as boys or girls should not be allowed in schools.






From the 17th. century Scotland until 1975 enjoyed real local government and cultural identity until the process of centralization began to undermine the individual cultures of our nation.


A Scottish Heritage Party Government will restore these identities with a local County Council Chamber full of elected local people determined to wave individual County flags with pride. All this will come with our de-centralization programme determined to suppress the move to global government at a national level by restoring the power back to the people under God.


As well as local County Councils we will restore the role of Provosts to the towns of Scotland with town councils reporting to the local County Council, town councils with precepts responsible for local spending and grant giving. Democracy therefore will return to our cities, towns and villages that with a Provost will have identity and purpose rather than continuing the suppression of regional councils and Holyrood.


Each County Council will run its own Police Force, roads maintenance programmes, refuse collections and be responsible for local transport policy as well as many of the roles Holyrood is today responsible for. Instead, therefore of a distanced centralized power in Edinburgh, we will replace this with localized decision-making council right at the heart of communities.


Representing the Monarch upholding the Constitutional acts of the nation will be a Lord Lieutenant or Sheriff enduring our heritage and culture is not destroyed by infiltrators of foreign ideologies. He or she would be based in the County Town ensuring the county is flourishing and accepting its individual role within the country. Boundaries will be clearly marked with street name signs clearly showing the county. Also, within the county building can be a tourism centre full of information relating to growing attractions within the area, with schools and colleges within the county teaching local history and geological features.


Coming out of the county building will be a local government expert team covering agriculture, forestry and fisheries, consumer advocacy and advice, economic development, education and training, elections, energy development, environmental issues, fire services, freedom of information, health and social services, housing, justice and policing, planning, sport and the arts, certain forms of local taxation and tourism.


Councils will be able to develop their counties with a heart and passion for their individual areas with business support teams going out and helping when invited, small, medium, and large businesses to develop with planning departments sympathetic to local people understanding that whilst global business has its place, it should not be at the expense of the small person. With this radical change in local approaches, we can witness our high streets back in the hands of local people reflecting local culture above that of the multi-nationals.


As regards to national and local taxation, the Scottish Heritage Party will review all options with a determination to make taxation fairer relating more to the ability to pay rather than outdated valuations.


This will also benefit business, for business can then decide the most cost-effective county to set up business in. In effect therefore, the Scottish Heritage Party in restoring the original county borders will be bringing prosperity to the people for they will be deciding their own destiny, they will be upholding their own individual culture, and they will be experiencing freedom rather than suppression from centralized bureaucrats.


In Scotland therefore the following counties will be restored so as to re-build Scotland as a nation within a nation with all the benefits of de-centralization, removing the “letter of the law” from government and replacing this by the heart and soul of the people.


Caithness, Sutherland, Ross and Cromarty, Inverness-shire, Nairnshire, Moray
(Elginshire until 1918), Banffshire, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Angus
(Forfarshire until 1928), Perthshire, Argyll, Bute, Ayrshire, Renfrewshire, Dunbartonshire, Stirlingshire, Clackmannanshire, Kinross-shire, Fife, East Lothian (Haddingtonshire until 1921), Midlothian (Edinburghshire until 1890) West Lothian (Linlithgowshire until 1924), Lanarkshire, Peeblesshire, Selkirkshire, Berwickshire, Roxburghshire, Dumfriesshire, Kirkcudbrightshire, Wigtownshire. Zetland (Shetland), and Orkney.


Under a Scottish Heritage Party government, we can look forward to a fair taxation system based both nationally and locally on profit rather than outdated valuations with the added benefit of having one national collection system that gives a proportion of its income to counties that are run by local people who decide their own destiny.


In addition, the business and charity support teams of local councils have the incentive of encouraging wealth creation with local business thriving rather than being suppressed by centralized government in a far-off place with no local accountability.


The Scottish Heritage Party believes that consultation is the backbone of representative democracy and that local councils should be responsive to citizens. We therefore endorse the Gunning principles which state that consultation is the backbone of representative democracy and that:


1) Stakeholders affected by decisions are provided with relevant information which must be available, accessible, and easily interpretable so stakeholders can make an informed response 

2) There is adequate time for consideration and response and there must be sufficient opportunity for consultees to participate in the consultation. 

3) ‘Conscientious consideration’ must be given to the consultation responses before a decision is made and decision-makers must be prepared to provide evidence that the consultation responses were genuinely considered and must provide the reasons for making their decision.


To summarise our position, we say it is time for the people in their own local environment to make decisions rather than be aggressively controlled by far off centralized powers that know little of local conditions.



The Scottish Economy

To have a caring and loving society we must have an income and the present reliance on the generosity of Westminster in a fossil fuel rich country is simply not good enough. The Scottish Heritage Party rejects the notion of a man made fossil fuel crisis, preferring to investigate the exciting possibility of extending the North Sea gas and oil extraction off our coasts. In addition, we will extend inland production to include the possibility of clean coal production, protecting our smokeless zones and clean peat production.


This alongside our extensive hydroelectric systems will not only make Scotland self-sufficient in energy resources but also a net exporter! All this completely removes the need for "The Great Reset" of the WEF for this policy will remove Scotland's reliance on anybody, we being a fully equal partner in the United Kingdom challenging the City of London in its position of being the main income bearer in the UK. The Scottish Heritage Party supports Scotland having the most vibrant economy in the UK with all the investment possibilities that will mean for jobs.






​But what is holding this back? High costs due to crazy lockdowns and high risk vaccines (gene therapies) resulting in injury and death, obsessive move to "net zero" in the name of the GREEN RELIGION, and fear of a global elite looking to take away our identity and culture. To counteract this, we will insist on building up local business and encourage the new local county councils to positively discriminate when it comes to planning applications, ensuring a balance between local and global business, all competing on a level playing field!


This will make Princes Street Edinburgh for example look like Scotland again, as it was before global takeovers in business.


A Booming Economy with local business at the heart of it! The Real Nationalist therefore VOTES SCOTTISH HERITAGE PARTY for THE SCOTTISH IDENTITY WITHIN THE UNITED KINGDOM.


We in the Scottish Heritage Party cannot wait to free up our country from nationalists in name only who are even as we speak bowing down to the global elite, suppressing our industries, moaning, and moaning to Westminster instead of getting Scotland going again. It is time for the real nationalists to take over, those who recognize our strength is in the UK with de-centralized power to local areas rather than the failed current system of Holyrood best summed up with the INCOME and EXPENDITURE figures: IN = £62.8 billion; OUT - £99.2 BILLION


- Hardly the base to go forward with a suppressive, highly costing green agenda! At the heart of this green agenda are the unconstitutional activities of the World Economic Forum who admit openly their opposition to meat eating and the reduction of buying goods, all under the false premise of man-made climate change. One encouragement from the World Economic Forum is their admission that are losing the fight against climate change and that is because over the earth’s history there have been many periods of global climate change relating not to the activities of man but rather to natural cycles. One such scientific belief is in Milankovitch cycles named after the Serbian geophysicist and astronomer Milutin Milankovitch. These relate to long term natural periods of change whilst others relate to sixty-five-year cycles, indeed from 1998 there has been reported a period of global cooling.


Explains David Easterling, Chief of the Scientific Services Division at NOAA's National Climatic Data Centre. "If you have a very strong El Niño-an extensive swathe of the ocean's surface with much-warmer-than-average temperatures-that tends to warm the globally averaged air surface temperature." He states, While a straight line drawn from 1998 to 2008 does indicate that 2008 was cooler, a line from 1999 to 2008 shows that the planet warmed, and a line from 1997 to 2008 is almost flat.


Now all this gives a very different presentation than what national media is presenting to the public. The BBC used to have a neutral stance and present all sides of an argument for on the area of climate change science is not agreed, and the people are being brainwashed to accept one view. This will change under a Scottish Heritage Party government for people will be able to make their own choices with all sides of science being presented to the public.


As for the 2030 Agenda of The Great Reset, the Scottish Heritage Party will resist this with all we have got preferring to accept the consistent promises of the creator rather than the ever changing, differing views of science.


Declares David Kurten: The Heritage Party believes in fiscal responsibility. A sovereign nation should not spend beyond its means year after year and decade after decade, as has been the case in the United Kingdom over the last 40 years.


The first steps towards fiscal responsibility will be to stop wasting tens of billions of pounds every year on foreign aid, migrant hotels, diversity officers, overseas military conflicts that are not our national interest, subsidies for unreliable and expensive forms of energy like wind turbines and solar panels, and vanity projects like HS2. Taxpayers’ money should only be spent on essential public services and items which benefit the people such as schools, healthcare, the police, the border force and honouring the military covenant rather than running down our armed forces.


The burgeoning ‘third sector’ is another multi-billion-pound black hole, whereby the state has increased its control over the charity or non-profit sector. Instead of allowing people to make their own choices about which charities they choose to support, successive governments have steadily increased funding to the non-profit sector, and they decide which charities, NGOs and QUANGOs to re-distribute our money to. Many of these NGOs and QUANGOs are politically active, and seek to influence government policy using taxpayers’ money. This is absolutely wrong and undemocratic. The entire NGO sector should be defunded by government, and QUANGOs should be disbanded. Essential government services should be brought in-house and run directly by government Ministries and Departments instead of QUANGOs, saving billions of pounds and leaving politically active NGOs to find their own funding.


We must reduce the annual budget deficit to zero and get the nation’s finances back into balance otherwise there will be a heavy price to pay in the future. Countries which consistently rack up debt always end up with a debased currency and/or hyperinflation which disproportionately harms the middle and working classes.


Monetary policy must be responsible. It must not unnaturally inflate asset prices, which create ‘boom and bust’ bubbles that punish ordinary people by devaluing the currency as well as making house prices totally unaffordable for young people and families. The government should seek to ensure that monetary and taxation policy works in favour of ordinary British people who want to buy a home of their own, rather than leading to homes being sold off to speculators who often leave them empty further exacerbating an unnecessary housing crisis and hollowing out communities.


In the long term, we must aim to reduce our national debt and begin to build up a sovereign wealth fund which can provide a source of revenue for pension funding, rather than operating the state pension like a Ponzi scheme. The government of today must not squander the wealth which has been bequeathed to us by our forefathers. It is our duty to be good stewards of our economy and to leave it as an inheritance for future generations.


As regards taxation, current schemes do not reflect ability to pay particularly in Scotland where income tax rates are higher in some areas than in England and Wales and so our UK wide policy is given here by David Kurten.


Our aim is to structure Income Tax into 2 bands of 20% and 40% with higher thresholds. There should be no increases on National Insurance rates that are currently 12% and 2% and the annual thresholds should rise in line with those for Income Tax. In the long-term Income Tax and National Insurance rates should be further reduced to take advantage of the Laffer curve.


When feasible, we will reduce and abolish VAT, Inheritance Tax and Stamp Duty on UK citizens’ primary residences. Stamp Duty should remain for foreign nationals and UK citizens purchasing second homes or additional properties.


We will support families by increasing the percentage of Income Tax Personal Allowance that can be shared by married couples with children from 10% to 100%. This means that a single earner in a traditional family of a husband, wife and children will not pay any Income Tax on the first £25,140 of income.


We will abolish the TV licence.


Corporation Tax should be set as low as possible to encourage enterprise and increase overall tax revenues through stimulating economic growth. In the first instance, we will reduce it from 25% to 20% and make further reductions when feasible.


Business Rates disadvantage businesses that need physical premises, such as hotels and restaurants, which have to pay Business Rates in addition to Corporation Tax. As shopping habits have changed significantly since the beginning of the 21st Century and online shopping is now ubiquitous, Business Rates are no longer fair or appropriate. We would replace them with an Online Sales Tax to be levied on companies that have a digital turnover above £500,000 p.a. 


Large international corporations with multi-million or multi-billion pound turnovers and profits should pay their fair share of taxation but many exploit tax avoidance schemes that result in them paying less tax than a sole trader. This is unfair and any such loopholes must be closed.


Over recent years establishment parties have been embracing a Marxist style approach to the economy and this is directly addressed by David Kurten.


In contrast, planned economies based upon Marxist ideology have always been disastrous, bringing poverty and hunger instead of prosperity, and are almost always accompanied by tyranny and oppression as well.


The Heritage Party will support a vibrant low-tax economy where individuals and businesses can thrive and take advantages of the great opportunities our nation could offer us if it were well-governed.


Unnecessary regulations should be reduced as much as possible to allow maximum freedom to trade, but well-drafted regulations are necessary to protect workers from exploitation, to ensure that the environment is not damaged, and to ensure a fair and level playing field between businesses of different sizes. Regulations which provide unfair advantages to large businesses and global corporations over small and medium sized businesses should be scrapped.


Recent governments have paid lip service to capitalism while implementing socialism by stealth using the concept of the ‘mixed economy’ or the ‘third way’. Governments have excessively interfered in the free market propping up zombie companies who conform to the latest politically correct ideologies, for example on climate alarmism. Many such companies do not produce anything of value and would collapse without government subsidies. This is unfair to businesses which do not receive government subsidies, and is a drag on the economy in the long-term. It is wrong for the state to interfere in the economy in this manner.


There are some sectors which should be wholly owned and operated by the state. These include the armed forces, the police force, the probation and prison services and public roads. There are other sectors which constitute natural monopolies which are at present part-privatised including rail, water and energy. Part-privatisation constitutes the worst of all worlds. Price capping in selected sectors means that businesses in those sectors are not able to operate freely in the market. In order to compensate for this the state then subsidises them for billions of pounds which is paid for by higher taxes.


The owners and executives of these businesses have all the benefits of government subsidy, but none of the risks which come from making poor business decisions, and this is reflected in the extortionate transport, energy and water prices we are all accustomed to. The sectors which constitute natural monopolies and are vital for the nation should either be fully privatised with an end to price capping and government subsidies or fully nationalised if they cannot survive without financial support from taxpayers: it is not right that taxpayers underwrite all the risks for no reward.


Our nation was the cradle of the Industrial Revolution and has a long history of manufacturing. In recent decades, successive governments have run down our manufacturing base, and it needs to be re-invigorated and rebuilt. To this end there must be a move to lower rates of taxation for businesses and an end to net-zero, carbon capping and other regulations which stifle industry and make the UK uncompetitive. In exceptional circumstances, the government should step in to protect industrial facilities of national importance such as steel works, oil refineries and aluminium smelters if they are under threat. 


We must also re-implement Glass-Steagall style banking regulations which separate run-of-the-mill high street banking from high-stakes high-risk investment banking. Everyday people and small and low-risk businesses should not be exposed to high-risk ventures so that they are protected from systemic adverse events in the banking sector for which they are not responsible.



E M Lindsay Griffiths MA Hons (University of St Andrews);
former Classics Teacher at The High School of Dundee, Gordonstoun and Head of Classics at The Queens School, Chester reports:


Scottish education requires a radical return to the old paths, teaching family values alongside the Constitution of Great Britain of which Scotland has an equal part.


The Nuffield Foundation reports that Scottish pupils perform better at a younger age than the other UK countries, but after that this quickly recedes, with performance levels less than England particularly in the area of Maths. It is the view of the Scottish Heritage Party that the nation can resolve these issues by bringing into Scotland the finest teachers from other parts of the UK, Scotland offering a far higher standard of living, and training our own teachers in the traditional way outside of the "woke" path of modern-day universities.


The current Scottish Government path of introducing an LGBTQ+ curriculum will be replaced with foundational courses in Religious Education, particularly as it was the Kirk who founded our schools, and if we neglect this heritage how can education stand? Understanding of other faiths will be given too to encourage dialogue and understanding, tackling too the sectarianism of the west in particular teaching to understand each other without pressure to compromise one's faith.


With the foundations being removed, Scottish education is rapidly declining, and this is being acknowledged even by the SNP. In 2015 this was accepted by the then Scottish Secretary John Swinney who offered radical reforms, reforms that have made matters worse. The Spectator reports: In 2019-2020, the proportion of pupils passing three or more Highers was 43 per cent, lower than any year from 2015 onwards.


Audit Scotland, an independent watchdog, concludes that the attainment gap between rich and poor ‘remains wide’ and that progress ‘falls short of the Scottish government’s aims’. Scottish children from poor backgrounds remain significantly less likely than their English counterparts to go to university.


Current Situation: By the SNP Government’s own admission, the impact of Covid-19 on education (2020-22), has led to a decline in literacy and numeracy levels and an increase in the poverty-related educational attainment gap which is now 15%.


Furthermore, there are 4 Current Issues presented to the Scottish Government by educational directors, council chiefs, school leaders and parents:

  • Staff absence

  • Uncertainty over exams

  • Already vulnerable pupils have become more vulnerable

  • Persistent non-attendance


In addition to the above, we also have an increased gap in achievement between state and independent schools. There is also growing concern over Scottish Government policy regarding non-examination syllabi in schools, especially Relationships and Sex Education and negative attitudes to the expression of socially conservative and faith beliefs in schools – in short, freedom of speech.


Our Response:

We would concur that the response of both Scottish and UK Governments to the pandemic has greatly exacerbated these issues, especially through the lockdowns and closure of schools, resulting in greater attainment gaps, massive suffering to children, young people and families nationwide (including higher levels of child and domestic abuse), impaired development of babies and young children, and greater numbers of ‘forgotten children’ who have never returned to school. It is time to face and admit to the reality of this, and to put our children first as the future of our nation!


Our Policy:

We will ensure that pupils and students are once again taught ‘how to think rather than what to think.’



This will involve a wider range of school subjects for 12–18-year-olds, e.g., traditional history for all, the return of classical education, a better choice of languages to study, and high quality religious and citizenship classes. This will include the history of Christianity from a Scottish perspective: the Celtic saints, the Reformation, Covenanters and Scottish missionaries, also the British Constitution.


In other words, the Scottish Heritage Party is to restore the true heritage of Scotland so that children and young people from 3-18, rescued from the ‘woke’ agenda, may re-discover their true identity. This must, and will, include spiritual development as a priority.


‘Children to be Children’:

‘Children to be children’: All subjects must be age-appropriate with full parental consultation and involvement regarding curriculum development and subject options.


Role of Parents:

Parental Responsibility: We recognise that parents have primary responsibility of the nurturing and upbringing of their children, with school staff being ‘in loco parentis.’ Therefore, full information on every educational establishment must be available on-line and via hard copies to parents and others who have a genuine interest in young people’s welfare, to include:


  • School handbook

  • School website

  • Most recent inspection reports

  • Including policy and rules on discipline and rewards.


All these should be written in clear and concise language – not ‘woke’ catchphrases as at present!


Parental choice must also be respected regarding education, whether it be to choose an independent school or where appropriate to educate their children at home.


Additional Needs and Attendance Issues:

We will make every effort, in co-operation with appropriate agencies and charities, to identify such needs at an early stage, and to nurture such children in an atmosphere of love, acceptance and security with extra staffing and accommodation provided as required. This will replace the environment of fear, insecurity and social isolation endured since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Declared David Kurten: Children should be taught British history in schools, both good and bad, but with a sense that on balance, we are a nation with a history and heritage to be proud of.


The restoration of our education system is vital for the future success of our nation. This will involve the return to family values and a removal of LGBTQ ideology that has been sexualising and polluting the minds of our children for far too long.


Continues David Kurten: While we uphold the right of individuals to make choices about how they conduct their personal lives, we believe that the institutions of marriage and the natural family are fundamental to the fabric of a good society and the transmission of values, customs, traditions and identity from parents to children through the generations.


The traditional nuclear family where a mother and father bring up their own children is the best and most successful model for bringing up healthy and well-balanced children, and building stable communities.


While there are many excellent single parents, carers and guardians who do their very best for the children in their care, the bell curve of success for children who are brought up by their own married mother and father is better than for any other model of family. Such children have better educational attainment, economic success and health, and lower rates of crime, suicide, depression, drug abuse or self-harm.


Children should not deliberately be denied a mother and a father. We will encourage and support the traditional family structure through the tax system and education, and we oppose the engineering of society in such a way that causes increasing numbers of children to be deliberately brought up without their own mother and father.


In particular, boys need fathers. Boys who have been abandoned by their fathers, or deprived of contact with them by an often discriminatory legal system, are far more likely to turn to gangs and crime than boys who are raised with a male role model. Refuting divisive notions of ‘toxic masculinity’, we will promote father figures and the nurturing of each boy to become a good man.


We will not allow schools to propagate anti-family propaganda which undermines the picture of the traditional nuclear family as the best model of family. We will also block teaching materials and lessons which encourage early sexual activity in children before they reach the age of consent, or inappropriate materials detailing non-reproductive sexual acts.


School children should not be exposed to unscientific nonsense like queer theory or gender fluidity. It is a scientific fact that there are two sexes: male and female, which are determined by anatomy and chromosomes. Previously on the fringe of radical thought, gender ideology has been mainstreamed to the detriment of children’s well-being. Transgender propaganda which confuses children about their biological sex and damages their natural development as boys or girls should not be allowed in schools.


To protect children, we will introduce Hungarian-style legislation to prohibit the promotion of LGBTQQIAAPPP*+ ideologies and practices to minors under 18-years-old.


Our children need therefore to be educated into being free thinking people understanding our roots, our heritage and fully understanding our history rather than as it is at present being brainwashed into cultural Marxist thinking with a peculiar emphasis on minority sexual lifestyles.


Continues David Kurten: The UK must become self-sufficient in skills rather than relying on importing skilled and unskilled labour from abroad. Education needs to be re-focussed onto fostering excellence and teaching pupils and students the skills they need to be self-reliant. We must train enough of our own young people to succeed and thrive in professional and technical careers, particularly as nurses, doctors, teachers, engineers, construction workers and IT professionals.


The re-implementation of a tripartite system at secondary school level is a top priority with grammar schools for the academically talented, technical schools to train young people with an aptitude for practical and vocational skills, and general schools to ensure that all children of all levels have the personal skills, entrepreneurial skills and employability to succeed in the world of work if they leave formal education at 16.
Universities need to become lean and mean again and focus on delivering high quality academic courses. Universities are not for everyone, particularly those who are talented in practical fields who would benefit more from following a non-academic route and would be better off getting a job at 16 or 18 and learning a trade. There should be parity of esteem between academic, technical and vocational training.


Universities should be for the 20% or so of people who will benefit from rigorous, high-level academic courses. We would pay off the student loans of British students who have graduated in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths, Medicine) subjects so long as they work in their field of study in the UK.


Poor quality courses and Universities which do more harm than good and are of little use to employers should be defunded, and failing universities should not be saved from going out of business. Too many academic institutions seem to believe that their role is to force-feed left-wing ideology and divisive identity politics, while stifling debate. Such institutions should not receive government subsidies or grants to continue their corrosive activities.


For those who are more gifted in practical and vocational fields, we will invest in apprenticeships and bring back the Polytechnics which should never have been closed or converted, so that young people can learn high-level technical skills to succeed in practical trades. Our aim is to return to an era characterised by high-levels of employment, wide ranging skills sets and British manufacturing, where we as a nation are self-sufficient in skills, British youngsters are trained to do skilled jobs so that they can all earn a good living, and there is no longer a need to depend on an unsustainable flow of cheap labour from abroad.


Retired teacher Charles McEwan declares: We will not allow schools to propagate anti-family propaganda which undermines the picture of the traditional nuclear family as the best model of family. We will also block teaching materials and lessons which teach unscientific nonsense like queer theory or gender fluidity. It is a scientific fact that there are two sexes: male and female, which are determined by anatomy and chromosomes. We will also block teaching materials and lessons which encourage early sexual activity in children before they reach the age of consent. We will promote the primary aspect of the sexual act as life-giving and encourage proper respect between men and woman rather than as sexual objects to be used primarily for pleasure. Transgender propaganda confuses children about their biological sex and damages their natural development as boys or girls and so should not be allowed in schools. We will therefore oppose these disastrous ideas being promoted in schools and will work to ensure that there is a free exchange of ideas in the public square about these damaging Woke ideas. To protect children, we will introduce Hungarian-style legislation to prohibit the promotion of LGBTQ+ ideologies and practices to minors under 18-years-old.


Universities must re-establish themselves as places where free debate is enshrined. People should be able to disagree and discuss the merits of opposing viewpoints. To ban topics from public debate is an act of intolerance and encourages hate towards people with whom you do not agree.


The UK must become self-sufficient in skills rather than relying on importing skilled and unskilled labour from abroad. Education for work should foster excellence and teach pupils the skills they need to be self-reliant. We must train enough of our own young people to succeed and thrive in professional and technical careers, particularly as nurses, doctors, teachers, engineers, construction workers and IT professionals.


WE support grammar schools for the academically talented and technical schools to train young people with an aptitude for practical and vocational skills. We will invest in apprenticeships and bring back the Polytechnics so that young people can learn high-level technical skills to succeed in practical trades.


Our aim is to return to an era of high levels of employment, wide ranging skills sets and British manufacturing, where we as a nation are self-sufficient in skills.





Un-apologetically we will make use of our mineral wealth within the context of a cleaner & more prosperous environment than "net zero" parties like the SNP-Greens, Labour & Tories have to offer! 


We will protect the environment by building no more windmills either at sea where they have an adverse effect on marine life and the seabed, and on land where commonly excess lime deposits effect farmland so precious to the general health of the nation. The Scottish Heritage Party believe we as a nation are being taken for a ride by fear mongering parties determined to put us under the control of a global elite. With all the evidence available today, we are not putting forward some form of "conspiracy theory" but statements based on fact!  For example, how can there be a Nationalist Party in Scotland determined to put us under the control of a foreign power like Brussels? Surely "nationalism" must mean "independence", not simply swapping the elected Parliament of Westminster to the laws of un-elected officials at Brussels and Strasbourg. It is this Party that is presenting itself as the true Nationalist Party of an independent Scotland, equal partner in an independent Great Britain ready to export our expertise all over the World, rather than be under the jack boot of a foreign power that the SNP-Green Scottish Government is putting forward. If "net zero" policies are so good, why is it that Co2 emissions have increased since 1992 when they were first implemented?


Earth summit after earth summit, global climate agreements like those of Kyoto and Paris, COP after COP, suppressive policy after suppressive policy instead of bringing down global emissions have in fact dramatically increased them. In addition to this, these policies and agreements have done dramatic harm to the environment, the Scottish Heritage Party understanding that to put up a windmill turbine involves use of concrete the size of a football pitch thus impacting farmland to make it infertile and destroying marine life.


With most of the media seemingly on board with net-zero, one must ask if some form of global control is the underlying agenda to "net zero" policies rather than improving the environment. The current policy of the Tories in Westminster and the SNP-Green Alliance at Holyrood seems to be to promise draconian cuts then backtrack by importing fossil fuels rather than have a consistent policy of using our God given fossil fuel resources to the full, thus giving consistent supply at potentially a very cheap price, whilst increasing our economic wealth by becoming an exporter rather than importer of fossil fuel.


This is the policy of the Scottish Heritage Party giving the additional benefit of saving millions of pounds on green policies which we are proving are doing harm rather than good to the environment. The Papal message to COP 27 which states that human beings need to make covenant with the environment is one nearer to a pantheistic ideology rather than one of acceptance of a Creator, and it is the policy of this Party to be thankful to God for what he has provided for us and use it to the full!


Indeed, according to the oil and gas industry began in Scotland using a Scottish brain. In 1847 James Young observed natural petroleum seepage in the Riddings Coal Mine, distilling from this seepage a thin oil acceptable for use in lamps and a thicker oil for lubrication. Oil and Gas is part of the God given creation for our use, coal too for mined coal reduces the need to knock down trees.


Many Roman Catholics are appalled by this preferring to trust the Creator rather than embrace a Pope so sold out to the global agenda. Indeed, the President of COP28 is reported by the BBC as using the summit for UAE to make oil deals.


Indeed the pro net zero website Carbon Brief has quoted the President of COP 28 who correctly declared that there is "no science" to support the phasing out of fossil fuels, so confidently whilst accepting there has always been climate change, we will embrace a pro fossil fuel economy to benefit all of the people knowing the earth's climate moves in cycles rather than be moved primarily by human activity.


In our quest to save the planet from environmentally unfriendly "net zero" green policies, we will not be bringing disruption to the hardworking people of our country and stopping ambulances with emergencies, as with the Just Stop Oil campaign. Instead, we will be taking environmental facts to the ballot box with a vision to set our nation free from the global controls of an elite we are determined to expose.


Factual statistics show us that to replace a fossil fuel power plant is environmentally harmful, one square yard of a fossil fuel plant requiring 73 square yards of solar panels or 239 square yards of onshore wind turbines. It is important to protect the environment and we can only do this with clean fossil fuel plants. The "net-zero" brigade present to us a future of constant power cuts and the like, this impacting industry and its economic targets, impacting jobs and the wellbeing of nations. 


Wind and solar power are weather dependent whereas the use of fossil fuel is not. Modern industry requires 24-hour energy, and transport vehicles require reliable access to fuel, electric vehicles being highly inefficient and cruel to children found in the mines of DR Congo looking for lithium when they should be being educated at school. They also in our view have dangerous radiation levels and far more likely to go on fire, radiation being a far greater killer than CO2, the latter gas not being a killer but necessary for the balance of the earth’s atmosphere.


In this regard therefore, the Scottish Heritage Party will introduce an ELECTRIC VEHICLE SCRAPPAGE SCHEME, manufacturers replacing commonly mis-sold vehicles with fossil fuel alternatives that are kind to the environment, not placing drivers and passengers under excessive radiation and higher risk of being burnt in a crash, but also kinder to our roads whose potholes have increased due to the heavier weight of electric vehicles.


We therefore put to the electorate that we in Scotland can be fuel sufficient and even be exporters of fossil fuel thus giving us the ability to not only expand our businesses but also be the caring society the Scots throughout history have been famous for.


It is also very important to consider the nation’s health, our Health Services requiring constant access to energy resources - it is the Scottish Heritage Party and its environmentally friendly "fossil fuel" policies that can guarantee this!


A very important factor for voters to note, is the Scottish Heritage Party is entirely independent of the World Economic Forum that is pressing for a "great reset" thus undermining the independence of nations, an undermining embraced in our view by the SNP-Green Alliance, whereas the SHP bans from membership all those with links to the WEF. It is our view that "net zero" policies will bring in fuel shortages thus bringing about a need for rationing, like WEF linked Sri Lankan Government have introduced.


Sri Lanka Minister of Power and Energy Kanchana Wijesekera has recently announced a Fuelpass QR code system under the direction of new Sri Lanka President Kanil Wickremesinghe. This follows a disastrous ban on farmers using synthetic fertilisers thus bringing about a massive fuel and food shortage to the country. It is the view of the Scottish Heritage Party that Scotland and a continuing SNP-Green Alliance could well be leading us on the same road. It is time for the nation to revolt against this, all this being a part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development from the United Nations that has become a throne of power for those looking to control the world rather than bring it peace.


It is therefore the position of the Scottish Heritage Party, that Great Britain should withdraw from the United Nations and its disastrous policies for food sustainability and World Health and instead look to extend its Commonwealth of Nations, a Commonwealth of strong ethical, moral, and democratic ideals rather than be under a UN of continued control.


The beautiful country of Sri Lanka devastated by WEF and UN controls, a country that once more can be independent within the context of a democratic Commonwealth of nations.


The New Green Religion Exposed


The Scottish Heritage Party therefore rejects the notion of "man-made" climate change, accepting the fact that the climate is changing for it changes every day. As the Sun goes up, it gets warmer, as it goes down cooler, that is climate change caused by Sun Activity. Forbes reports that today the Sun is far more active than NASA predicted.


The increase in Sun activity has nothing to do with our use of fossil fuel, nothing to do with how often we fly or drive so what then is the root of the ideology, the green campaigners? It is if they are following a religion and indeed from the evidence they are, a form of pantheistic religion built on some form of divinity in the creation rather than the Creator!


This is being led it would seem from a Pope who has taken on what he calls "the voice of creation", a philosophical change from the voice of many cardinals who would emphasise the voice of the Creator rather than the created. It needs to be noted that many Roman Catholics are taking on this apparent Pope seeing him as an agent of the New World Order rather than of Christ Jesus.


“there is need for a covenant between human beings and the environment which, for us believers, is a mirror reflecting the creative love of God, from whom we come and toward whom we are journeying;” Pope Francis 2022.


There is clearly a move here to make climate change a religion, a religion not based on the Ten Commandments given to Moses but a new pantheistic Ten Commandments which sees creation as something we can be in covenant with rather than God. It is being said that these commandments are being revealed on Mount Sinai seen to many Jews and Christians as the place Moses received the base for all our laws.


If the Georgia Guidestones are the base for these commandments, then it is clear we are dealing with a religion rather than an ideology, an ideology without spiritual or scientific base. The Scottish Heritage Party rejects these new ten commandments preferring the original ones given through Moses and based on being self-sufficient in fuel, we in government will use our God-given fossil fuel resources to the full.




1)  We are stewards of the World

2)  Creation manifests divinity

3)  Everything in life is interconnected

4)  Do no harm

5)  Look after tomorrow

6)  Rise above ego for our world

7)  Change our inner climate

8)  Repent and return

9)  Every action matters

10) Use mind, open heart.


We regard these new commandments of green ideology as an act of replacing the revelation of Moses in favour of "woke" ideology rejected by the Scottish Heritage Party.


Being "stewards of the World" must not relate to those of the green religion, however, for good stewardship under our Great Britain Constitution are for those upholding our heritage rather than for those responding to this scientifically unproven belief of climate change, its principle being clear in Commandment two which declares we now have a divine creation rather than a divine Creator. This is the doctrine of pantheism which we reject.


​The other commandments challenge our Christian heritage, Jesus telling us not to worry about tomorrow but live day by day, it is therefore with this passion we reject this nonsense of man-made climate change and will as a government withdraw from the UN climate agenda and develop fossil fuel in a clean and prosperous way.


Making our country self-sufficient in energy takes costs off business. creates jobs and a healthier and more prosperous society.

Your Vote to the Scottish Heritage Party is a VOTE "NO" to UN Agenda 2030, and that the current attack on fossil fuel use must stop, the anti-environmental use of non-recyclable windmills must stop, and so under a Scottish Heritage Party in line with the Heritage Party UK, we can look forward to a healthier and prosperous future making full use of the world’s resources.


Giving our UK wide policy is David Kurten: There is no climate emergency. Carbon dioxide is a natural atmospheric gas; it is not a pollutant, nor is it harmful. Human activity contributes very little towards global warming, a phenomenon caused by naturally occurring gases in the atmosphere such as H2O, CO2 and CH4. The adherence to green ideology is scientifically spurious and economically insane. We need to abandon the unnecessary commitment to ‘net-zero’ carbon dioxide emissions and ensure that we produce enough energy to keep the lights on and power our industry.


This can be achieved with our 5-point plan to energy security and self-sufficiency:


  • We will immediately re-open mothballed coal power stations and stop the insane practice of burning wood pellets from North and South American forests in place of coal at our largest former coal power stations such as Drax.

  • We will open new oil fields and gas fields in the North Sea which are already known about. In the medium term, we will develop the on-land shale gas industry for exclusive use in the UK. This will meet our natural gas needs for decades from domestic supply. 

  • In the long term, we will commission 20 or more small nuclear power stations, each one providing a consistent supply of 600 – 800 MW. These are cheaper to construct than singular large nuclear power stations, and will provide a significant proportion of supply to the National Grid reliably and cost-effectively.

  • We will divest from wind turbines and solar arrays on prime agricultural land. They are a blot on our landscape and they do not work when the wind stops blowing, blows too fast or the Sun doesn’t shine. Their intermittent nature means back-ups must be available at all times in case they stop producing electricity, which requires massive subsidies that increase the energy bills of every household. In addition, wind turbines kill vast numbers of birds and offshore wind farms ruin the sea bed, making them more harmful to the environment than if they were not used at all. We will begin the process of decommissioning wind farms and solar arrays, so that our scarce farming land is returned to producing crops and the sea bed is returned to marine life.

  • We will support new energy production technologies that do not need government subsidies and can operate viably on the free market. To this end, we shall explore the possibility of harnessing the power in tidal rivers using discrete turbines.

In addition, we will end the use of ‘biofuels’ made from crops or grown on plantations which should be used for growing food. It is wrong and immoral to use crops to make biofuels when the UK is not self-sufficient in food.


To ensure sovereignty over our energy and environment policy, the UK must leave the Paris Climate Agreement which implements a significant portion of UN Agenda 21/2030 and demands that the UK government adheres to the false ideology of climate alarmism. It imposes restrictions on the nation’s energy policy and forces us to be bound by carbon trading systems from which other nations are exempt. It is already undermining our competitiveness and freedom. It will fundamentally alter our way of life as petrol cars, gas boilers and gas power stations are successively banned, and restrictions are placed on roads which prevent vehicles from travelling easily from one place to another. It is wrong to stay in such a far-reaching agreement whose effects were never explained to the British people.


It is as important to maintain beauty and harmony in our urban environments as it is to protect the countryside from rampant development. Once beautiful towns and cities across the country have been brutalised by depressingly ugly modernist architecture. This must end.


The Heritage Party will require all new homes and commercial buildings to be constructed in keeping with the traditional and historic character of the area. We will also create renaissance zones in towns and cities whose character has been spoiled by the construction of depressing, densely-built, dehumanising eyesores. In these zones we will restore and recreate the historic beauty of urban spaces which have been ruined.


Every young British family should be able to buy their own home. This means that the housing market must work for home buyers rather than big property developers.


Demand for new housing has outstripped supply for over two decades now due to mass, rapid immigration, including through a rapid increase of student numbers in University cities. In 2021, over 1.1 million visas were granted for foreign nationals to come to the UK either to work, to live or to study, but there were only 150,000 completions of new homes. This is completely unsustainable.


Immigration numbers need to be slashed with strict caps on the number of student and work visas granted to foreign nationals. This will relieve the pressure on house prices by reducing demand. Foreign nationals should not be permitted to buy property in the UK unless they have been resident for 5 years, in which case they may be permitted to purchase one property as their main residence.


Schemes which interfere with the housing market and the ability of councils to provide council homes to local people who need them should be abolished. These include ‘Right to Buy’, ‘Help to Buy’ and government Home Equity Loans.

All housing targets for local councils should be abolished, along with the practices of building large housing developments on prime agricultural land and ‘densification’ and ‘intensification’ where zones in town centres are turned into blocks of flats dozens of stories high to meet imposed targets for housing units. Regeneration schemes must work for the benefit of established communities and not destroy historic neighbourhoods and buildings. Such projects should be subject to a ballot of the residents who will be affected, and no residents should be forced to move against their will.

Building regulations should ensure buildings are safe with adequate fire escapes, but requirements to meet erroneous energy and ‘climate’ targets that disadvantage older buildings and their owners or construction in traditional styles should be scrapped.

For Part Two

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