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Scottish Heritage Party TV

Programme Archives

For a time the Party had access to a studio it no longer has bit is looking in 2024
to increase social media output and again gain studio facilities.


02 01 23 OUR PRECIOUS CONSTITUTION Part 1 - David P Griffiths

David P Griffiths present the first in a series of programmes entitled "OUR PRECIOUS CONSTITUTION". At a crucial time in our nation's history, a time in which our very foundations are being questioned, we in the Scottish Heritage Party are determined to bring understanding to the freedoms given to our nation over centuries because of our Judeo-Christian heritage.


These programmes bring understanding of all our constitutional acts beginning with our very Coronation of our Monarch in 1953, a Coronation Service based on that of King Solomon, Nathan the Prophet and the Zadok Priesthood all of which will be explained in this and coming programmes.


Time for a radical change from the mainstream parties, for years disobeying the Constitutional acts of our country, a country built on its Judeo-Christian heritage, one of family values.


Promoted by David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party, 25, George Street, Whithorn, DG8 8NS. 07542 565415. E Mail:


05 01 23 LINDSAY TARTAN POLITICS SHOW - Introduction

Lindsay Griffiths - nee Anderson declaring her passions in this introduction to a Politics Show with a difference.

Declaring her nation to be a nation, an equal partner in the United Kingdom Lindsay introduces her quest to take Scotland out of the hands of a Scottish government that due to green ideology will not use our natural resources, that ethically is immoral in the areas of abortion and youth transgender transitions, making a nation dependent on Westminster to survive.

We believe we have the policies to make Scotland a true independent nation, an independent nation fully part of an independent UK standing together with England, Northern Ireland and Wales as a dynamic force for freedom in the whole world.


Promoted by David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party, 25, George Street, Whithorn, DG8 8NS. 07542 565415. E Mail:


06 01 23 SCOTLAND THIS WEEK with David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party

First of a weekly programme looking at events of the week in Scotland in relation as to how the SNP-Green Government is handling matters.

Over the last three years, the Government has promoted mRNA vaccines that statistics are showing having had serious consequences for many, suppressed natural immunity systems by lockdowns resulting in major pressure on the NHS in relation to both physical and mental health conditions, the lack of investment in our transport infrastructure and maintenance programmes resulting in a right mess.

We need a government passionate to promote our national identity within the UK and show to the rest of the UK that Scotland again can have the best health and education systems.

We believe we have the policies to make Scotland a true independent nation, an independent nation fully part of an independent UK standing together with England, Northern Ireland and Wales as a dynamic force for freedom in the whole world.

Time for a radical change from the mainstream parties, for years disobeying the Constitutional acts of our country, a country built on its Judeo-Christian heritage, one of family values.

Promoted by David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party, 25, George Street, Whithorn, DG8 8NS. 07542 565415.


E Mail:


Coronation Service RECOGNITION AND OATH - David P Griffiths

Second of our series looking this time at the Coronation Oath itself and what this means for the nations of the united Kingdom, our emphasis here being on Scotland.

David Griffiths emphasizes the freedom of choice given by the Oath, by the virtue and vision at the heart of the Oath and the protection it brings to the citizens of the UK both born and unborn.

Time for a radical change from the mainstream parties, for years disobeying the Constitutional acts of our country, a country built on its Judeo-Christian heritage, one of family values.

Promoted by David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party, 25, George Street, Whithorn, DG8 8NS. 07542 565415.


E Mail:

12 01 23  LINDSAY TARTAN POLITICS SHOW with Lindsay Griffiths

Lindsay Griffiths with a passionate drive to return Scotland to be a nation of free speech once more within the United Kingdom, free from the distractions of the SNP-Green transgender agenda, free from their time wasting cry for a apparent independent Scotland which would be a Scotland ruled by the un-elected officials of the EU and global elite.


Time for a radical change from the mainstream parties, for years disobeying the Constitutional acts of our country, a country built on its Judeo-Christian heritage, one of family values.

Promoted by David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party, 25, George Street, Whithorn, DG8 8NS. 07542 565415.


E Mail:

13 01 23  SCOTLAND THIS WEEK with David P Griffiths

Current events in Scotland discovered by David P Griffiths who explores whether those who call themselves nationalist in Scotland are really nationalists or globalists, asking whether the effects of the health, education and economic problems can be put on the door of the SNP-Green Alliance.

Solutions are given and that includes a truly nationalist Party that sees Scotland as a nationalist nation fully part of a nationalist UK.

The programme concludes with a look at Scotland's papers that fully describe the craziness of life in Scotland under an SNP-Green government.


Time for a radical change from the mainstream parties, for years disobeying the Constitutional acts of our country, a country built on its Judeo-Christian heritage, one of family values.

Promoted by David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party, 25, George Street, Whithorn, DG8 8NS. 07542 565415.


E Mail:


Part 3 - Coronation Service - The Coming in of the Holy Bible

Third of our series looking again at the Coronation Service itself & the Coming in of the Holy Bible and what this means in relation to our Judeo-Christian Heritage.

Like in areas of state, "woke" infiltration has been active in our national churches too, and this is brought out in relation to the work of the Nestle Aland Committee brought about to bring constant revision to the Bible, an activity our Constitutional Bible forbids.

David Griffiths emphasizes the freedom of choice given by our Coronation Service, by the virtue and vision at the heart of it and the protection it brings to the citizens of the UK both born and unborn.


Time for a radical change from the mainstream parties, for years disobeying the Constitutional acts of our country, a country built on its Judeo-Christian heritage, one of family values.

Promoted by David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party, 25, George Street, Whithorn, DG8 8NS. 07542 565415.


E Mail:


Political Turmoil in Scotland - Lindsay Griffiths

Lindsay Griffiths singing of Loch Lomond and Scotland's flower gives her analysis of the political, moral and sociological turmoil in Scotland placing the blame right on the SNP-Green Alliance.


Time for a radical change from the mainstream parties, for years disobeying the Constitutional acts of our country, a country built on its Judeo-Christian heritage, one of family values.

Promoted by David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party, 25, George Street, Whithorn, DG8 8NS. 07542 565415.


E Mail:

20 01 23 SCOTLAND THIS WEEK with David P Griffiths, Scottish Heritage Party

Is Andrew Bridgen MP an anti-Semite in apparently calling the vaccine rollout a holocaust? This is discussed in the context of a holocaust survivor being forced to taken covid shots in an psychiatrics institution.

2022 Scottish data that showed double-jabbed being more likely to die with COVID than the unvaccinated. This is discussed!

Also, the cost of lockdown is also discussed, not just financial but on the health of the country.

This is all before a good going through of national and local papers in Scotland - all in "SCOTLAND THIS WEEK!"

Promoted by David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party, 25, George Street, Whithorn, DG8 8NS. 07542 565415.


E Mail:


OUR CORONATION SERVICE The Beginning of the Communion

David P Griffiths presents: 

"God Our Defender" was truly known during the years of the Second World war when King George VI called National Days of Prayer, a strategy completely constitutional.

Today with the creeping "woke" ideology we find attempts to remove that which has been precious to Britain for centuries. we in the Scottish heritage Party rely with our own written Constitution.

David Griffiths emphasizes the freedom of choice given by our Coronation Service, by the virtue and vision at the heart of it and the protection it brings to the citizens of the UK both born and unborn.

Promoted by David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party, 25, George Street, Whithorn, DG8 8NS. 07542 565415.


E Mail:

25 01 23 LINDSAY TARTAN POLITICS SHOW with Lindsay Griffiths

Lindsay Griffiths singing of Scotland the Brave, her husband David joining her the singing of "Leezie Lindsay".

In amongst this musical extravaganza of Scotland's heritage, Lindsay gets onto serious matters including the subject of Scotland's population, areas of decreasing growth and areas like Orkney that have increased.

Lack of forward planning is clearly visible in a country that needs the political, moral and sociological turmoil in Scotland removed in favour of a Scotland that recognizes the importance of controlled immigration rather than the disorganised mess we are in today. We recognize the hard work of Eastern Europeans and Asian peoples but reject that we need to be in the EU to have controlled immigration, for EU freedom of movement has caused many problems to many countries.

We would work with Westminster to target the skills required for a prosperous country within the UK, Scotland having many benefits to offer, but for these to continue we need to be self sufficient in energy resources, vibrant in business and strong with family ethical values, values those from Poland and Asia really look for.

The Scottish Heritage Party recognizes how targeted immigration can help the country, looking to bring power back to county councils of the original county boundaries and names so that we can have once more a Scotland with a strong identity, an identity that welcomes to our country those with the skills to take it forward whilst at the same time bring an education system for all peoples based on our traditional values rather than the "woke" infiltrations of today.

Promoted by David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party, 25, George Street, Whithorn, DG8 8NS. 07542 565415.


E Mail:

27 01 23 SCOTLAND THIS WEEK with David P Griffiths, Scottish Heritage Party

1) President Trump has warned of the danger of a nuclear war after Western countries start sending tanks to Ukraine, David P Griffiths giving our clear position.

Surely, we in the west need to hear Putin's side, his possible concerns over the expansion of NATO, neo-Nazism in Ukraine, nuclear capability in Ukraine and so forth, we as a Party saying surely discussion needs to take place in view of bring freedom to both the people of Russia and Ukraine for escalating the war cannot be the answer. We passionately care for both sets of people here, not just one!

2) The Vaccine Roll-Out, The Lockdown and excess deaths - we discuss bringing it out into the open.

3) This is all before a good going through of national and local papers in Scotland - all in "SCOTLAND THIS WEEK!"

Time for a radical change from the mainstream parties, for years disobeying the Constitutional acts of our country, a country built on its Judeo-Christian heritage, one of family values.

Promoted by David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party, 25, George Street, Whithorn, DG8 8NS. 07542 565415.


E Mail:

30 01 23  OUR PRECIOUS CONSTITUTION Part 5 - Coronation Service THE GRADUAL

David P Griffiths presents:

Foundational teaching on the Puritan Judeo- Christian Heritage of the United Kingdom, a UK built on the principles of protecting the people from conception to the grave, on the principles of family, on the principles of righteousness that we in the Scottish Heritage Party intend to restore!

Today with the creeping "woke" ideology we find attempts to remove that which has been precious to Britain for centuries. we in the Scottish heritage Party rely with our own written Constitution.

David Griffiths emphasizes the freedom of choice given by our Coronation Service, by the virtue and vision at the heart of it and the protection it brings to the citizens of the UK both born and unborn.

Time for a radical change from the mainstream parties, for years disobeying the Constitutional acts of our country, a country built on its Judeo-Christian heritage, one of family values.

Promoted by David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party, 25, George Street, Whithorn, DG8 8NS. 07542 565415.


E Mail:

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