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PART TWO ....... Under Construction

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2024 General Election Manifesto



Green colonialism is dominating the world at this time, a colonialism embraced in Scotland by an SNP-Green coalition, embraced from Westminster by a Tory government hell bent on destroying the country by an unrealistic net zero agenda, both governments supported by the UN who have falsely stated that the world must be carbon neutral by 2050 to avoid further temperature increases.

The Scottish Heritage Party in contrast is presenting proof that fossil fuels are a power for good, fuels that we can prove save lives rather than destroy them, so it is time for a great political movement of the people to take charge in Scotland, a movement that will free us from green colonialism, that will free us from global controls to enable us to play a very active role in the United Kingdom using our great oil and gas resources from the North Sea, and where we can find them on land too!

In the past Scotland has used its land-based fossil fuel for the benefit of us all, and so in government we will look to use again our coal resources using clean coal technology making our nation self-sufficient in fuel and an active exporter, maintaining our beautiful nation using God given resource rather than suppressing it with a global agenda of control. This is simply not Scottish independence, far from it, for it is an unelected global control!

Green colonialism is affecting both farmers and fisherfolk that there needs to be a government who will protect them from the ludicrous restrictions being placed by governments who will destroy their livelihoods rather than give life to their businesses. The Scottish Heritage Party will therefore look to get together with farming and fishing communities to care for the environment and at the same time remove the restrictions being put on these two crucial industries in Scotland, restrictions associated with the false notion that carbon is doing harm and affecting the climate.

Scotland therefore needs to become a nation standing up to the globalist agenda of control. Indeed, we will suggest to the SNP that it is no longer a "nationalist " party, but one who instead of desiring Scottish independence, desires membership of an undemocratic EU that bows down to the globalist green agenda of the UN thus making it impossible for our nation to thrive. On "coos" (Scots for cows) alone the regulations under the SNP-Green coalition are massive, the following website embracing a global agenda of control rather than a Scottish Farmer vision of increased production alongside a nation free of ever rising energy costs due to the eco-green agenda.

"Breaking the chains" of Westminster & Holyrood!

To quote Marc Morano, The so-called solutions to the supposed threat of man-made climate change would limit economic development and ban many forms of life-saving carbon-based energy. These restrictions and other policies inspired by the global warming panic function as a form of modern-day colonialism.


A vote for the SCOTTISH HERITAGE PARTY is a vote opposing this agenda, a vote for restoring freedom back to our people that includes potentially the greatest farming and fishing industries in the world, but to do this we need to unleash the chains!

According to the NFU, Some 80% of Scotland’s land mass is under agricultural production, making the industry the single biggest determinant of the landscape we see around us. Scotland’s farmers, crofters and growers produce output worth around £2.9 billion a year and are responsible for much of Scotland’s £5 billion food and drink exports.  

Around 67,000 people are directly employed in agriculture in Scotland – this represents around 8% of the rural workforce and means that agriculture is the third largest employer in rural Scotland after the service and public sectors.  It is estimated that a further 360,000 jobs (1 in 10 of all Scottish jobs) are dependent on agriculture.

Surely, therefore we need to have a government in Scotland to protect, rather than over-regulate an industry based on the false premise of man-made climate change.


Abandoning the "farmers" traditional Tory Vote for a non WEF Party - for the WEF is looking in our view to destroy our great farming heritage, writes David P Griffiths.


Pro WEF parties, like the SNP-Green Alliance here in Scotland and the Tories at Westminster, in Belgium and the Netherlands have forced draconian measures on the farmers of these countries. How long will it be till we witness it here? The Scottish Heritage Party guarantees to farmers that our withdrawal from the UN and the WEF will retain our farming heritage for generations to come without the fear mongers fooling us again as they did in the years of the pandemic.

Robert Malone M.D. reports 3 factors from the Netherlands:

1)  Everyday people are behind the farmers in their struggles against WEF-UN policy

2)  The mainstream media in the Netherlands are suppressing information about the measures and the protests enabling the agendas of un-elected bodies to win through.

3)  The Government with EU support will win through.

Interesting that in Holland we are witnessing the people voting in support of the Farmers - what we cry out for here! In other words, it is our view that farmers voting for an establishment party are voting themselves out of business!

Traditionally Dutch farmers have been highly successful having highly efficient high-tech systems, but these now struggling farmers have been unable to expand their businesses unless they reduce their nitrogen, this pressure particularly coming from the EU.

On July 28, 2022 the Spectator Australia reports: The Netherlands has descended into an ideological war zone between city-bound bureaucrats trying to polish their climate credentials on the world stage, and local farmers who have been feeding Europe for centuries. As one farmer said " This is not a democracy anymore: it's a dictatorship."

The Scottish Heritage Party supports these farmers, just as we support Scottish farmers who we ask now to change their allegiance to our Party, for it is our policies that will protect you - not the policies of the pro-UN-WEF-EU governments of Scotland & Westminster, the best way to support the Dutch being to vote in a Scottish Heritage Party Government who will immediately remove the remoteness of Holyrood and give the power back to the original County Councils who can support and encourage local farming enterprises away from the interference of non-elected officials, inviting the Dutch to trade with us rather than a regulation hounding EU, this being our desire for the whole of Europe including the Belgians.


This regulatory bound EU has in our view done so much harm to the farming community and it is good to witness that now in UK we are witnessing farmers protests. We support them wholeheartedly and whilst welcoming the backtracking of the EU in relation to net zero, a vote for the Scottish Heritage Party goes towards keeping Scottish farmers free from this evil green ideology.

The Scottish Heritage Party will respect democracies of other countries but not the globalist agenda of un-elected control.


After years of EU regulation and suppression of our precious Scottish fishing industry, is it not time to protect our waters, fish the seas with our own boats and bring life not only to our struggling fish n' chip shops but also to our massive processing operations that impact not only domestic consumption but exports too!

According to Scottish government statistics: Scotland's seas make up over 60 percent of the UK's total waters. Landings by Scottish vessels accounted for 60 per cent of the total value and 62 per cent of the tonnage of all landings by UK vessels in 2019.

Seafood is Scotland’s second largest export and was worth approximately £6 billion in 2017. We are committed to maintaining the long-term sustainability of Scotland’s rich marine fisheries through continued support of businesses and coastal communities and to increasing the inclusive and sustainable, long-term economic growth of the Scottish fishing industry; so says the government website.

Where the Scottish Heritage Party can help is in regulation, sifting out the global green agenda in favour of a sustainable fishing industry under our laws rather than those of un-elected officials.

As regards to fishing management, we will look to grow the fleet rather than suppress it, looking into sustainability, reducing the pollution of the oceans, and working with the industry itself to come to sensible conclusion of those in the business, rather than those of the global green agenda.


We must take back full control of our rich 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone for fishing and there must be an end to the Northern Ireland Protocol which has divided our nation with a trade and customs barrier down the middle of the Irish Sea between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


Declares David Kurten: The Heritage Party will preserve what is left of the natural beauty of our countryside and our towns and villages, but this requires a drastic reduction in net immigration to protect both rural and urban areas from rampant ‘development’.

The United Kingdom is already over-populated and dependent on food imports to survive. We should aim to lower our dependency on food imports and ultimately become self-sufficient in food. The United Kingdom has some of the best agricultural land in the world which is a precious resource and should be preserved for agriculture. Despite this, there is huge pressure to concrete over large areas of our green belt and the countryside to build housing for artificially inflated population growth, or for solar panels and wind turbines to satisfy the false claims of green ideology. This pressure must be resisted.

Our 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone for fishing is a precious resource and our control of it should never have been given up. This maritime zone should be managed responsibly to protect fish stocks while also reducing Britain’s food deficit and revitalising our coastal towns and fishing industry. Foreign trawlers should not be allowed to fish in our fishing waters, except by specific permission, and a fleet of cutters should be commissioned for the Royal Navy to prevent destructive fishing by foreign vessels and super-trawlers in our waters.

We must ensure that our environment is protected from harmful chemical, biological and radiological hazards. While carbon dioxide is natural, many chemicals used in industry and agriculture have a detrimental impact on our ecosystems. Harmful chemicals which should be kept out of our environment include:

  • Neonicotinoids, which are harmful to bees and other pollinators and should never be used. 

  • Fluoride, which should not be added to the water system. People should not be coerced into drinking fluoride. Adding it to water effectively removes choice from people who wish to avoid it. If people wish to expose themselves to fluoride they are able to buy and use fluoride toothpaste. 

  • Heavy metals and toxic metal compounds, which should not be emitted into the environment at all, including in the process of ‘cloud seeding’. The atmosphere, and thus clouds and rainwater, should not be knowingly laced with lithium, cobalt, silver, barium or aluminium salts or other toxic compounds.

5G uses frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum between 3 GHz and 100 GHz that have never been used before for communication. Their effects on human health are unknown. There should be a moratorium on using 5G, or any other new electromagnetic frequencies, before it has been fully and thoroughly tested by independent researchers as to its effects on humans, animals, plants and microbes. It should not be switched on unless it is conclusively proven that it does not cause any adverse health effects.



The Scottish Heritage Party recognizes the unique history of Scotland's legal system restoring it back to its Christian Heritage under the Monarch of the United Kingdom bound by the Coronation Oath.

It is noticed by the Party however a lack of transparency in many cases, and so to address this we will insist that all members of the legal process must not be members of secretive closed order societies but be fully committed to the overall Constitution of Great Britain that recognizes Scotland's unique position and heritage.

It is not considered consistent with the UK Nolan Principles of Government to have members of oath bearing secret societies involved with our legal and political systems, for if an elected or un-elected government official places him or herself under an oath of secrecy, how can that apply to serving in public life in a transparent way.

It is understood that there are times that it can be prudent to not let out state secrets in the context of military activity and national defence, our comments relating to everyday public life where there must be full transparency, the people holding to account politicians moving out of the democratic mandate to one of un-elected global control. The Nolan Principles are as follows:

1. Selflessness

Holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family or their friends.

2. Integrity

Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their official duties.

3. Objectivity

In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit.

4. Accountability

Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.

5. Openness

Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands it.

6. Honesty

Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties, and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.

7. Leadership

Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.

The Scottish Heritage Party therefore places great emphasis on Britain's "written constitution" when it comes to the application of law, looking for a caring society of justice rather than the "letter".


When it comes to tackling crime, the Scottish Heritage Party will restore local Police Forces as they were before the centralisation to Police Scotland with the new local councils being highly involved in the running of Police operations, the statistics showing us a 12% non-sexual violent crime increased in year 21-22 and 15% more sexual crime.

Statistics seem to show us that drug misuse seems to align itself with the crime ratios, Dundee City being the most violent place in Scotland also with the most drug misuse. Statistics show that the business of one drug dealer can lead to five hundred deaths, and so a Scottish Heritage Party government will legislate for severe penalties akin to murder charges when it comes to the illegal selling of drugs.

Scotland out of all European countries is consistently towards the top when it comes to alcohol and drug abuse and we need to get to the cause of this, all this coinciding with a major cultural change brought in by the SNP that in itself has coincided with a nation that was once God fearing becoming the centre of wretched drug abuse.

It is for these reasons we will be putting to the electorate whether they would like a Party that has a zero tolerance for drug abuse and crime. Whether or not we want a nation where we can walk the streets safely at night in our cities. Whether or not we want to learn from cities throughout the world that have tackled this problem and beaten it!

1)  Bring about a nation with the best education system in the World as Singapore has today.

2)  Bring about a nation like Singapore has today that has diverse parts of its capital city with all getting on well with each other. We will not tolerate what we believe to be racist policies of the SNP, there seeming to be proof of this with a speech in 2020 by First Minister Humza Yousaf complaining of large numbers of white people in government offices, a fact but a fact having to be placed in the context of Scotland having a population of 96% white. Scotland traditionally has been a tolerant hospitable country and it this we in the Scottish Heritage Party look to restore being in favour of controlled immigration and maintaining great relations with commonwealth countries.


3)  Bring about a nation where crime and drug abuse is simply not tolerated. In 2021, the number of Singapore crimes committed for every 100,000 individuals was 847. In Dundee the figure is 807 crimes for 10,000 people. What a difference!

It shows it can be done but Singapore has harsh punishment for criminals, particularly drug criminals. We need to ask ourselves do we need to do the same, whilst accepting rehabilitation is important, we simply cannot go on with a legal system failing the people of Scotland.

In relation to youth crime, under the SNP-Green Alliance, this is getting out of hand with Police seemingly unable to do anything. A Scottish Heritage Party Government will not tolerate youth crime and will look to work with parents and Education departments in relation to a form of correction that will bring an end to this modern-day disease of crime particularly from teenagers.


As regards to the April 1, 2024, SNP-Green Alliance bill to apparently eliminate hate-crime, a simple look at the Policy Memorandum surrounding this bill shows the Government is having difficulty defining what a hate crime is. There is no single accepted definition of hate crime with different definitions produced for different purposes, is a direct quote from the government so how are Police Scotland going to act on such a premise. Threatening others with violence for whatever reason is clearly covered by existing legislation, so what possible good can this act do, indeed one must ask what possible harm will it do for those who want to exercise the right to express their views?


Indeed, we have to ask the question whether the First Minister was guilty of his own hate crime law with his seemingly anti-white speech of 2020.


Will they be investigated as regards to their political, ethical and faith beliefs for there is clear emphasis in the act to certain people groups with an emphasis on protecting those who aspire to LGBTQ ideology that includes the sexualisation of children. To oppose ideology is not a hate crime and this is not clear in the act and so for those of all faiths, the majority of which over centuries have aspired to ancient scriptures that depict homosexuality as sin, are clearly being threatened by this act to express these scriptures and so the Scottish Heritage Party will protect the right to express scripture which cannot be a hate crime, indeed in Christian scripture comes the promise of God that he so loved the world, his only begotten son coming to save the world taking on the sins of both hetero and homosexuals, all of whom needing to repent.


The act clearly threatens therefore faith groups, and this is noticeable in the Memorandum which states that the Bill abolishes the common law offence of blasphemy so where now is the protection against hatred of God, our Creator? The Scottish Heritage Party therefore will restore the act of Blasphemy and return the fear of God to the nation and teach our children family values rather than that of a minority sexual preference group.


There is also the problem of involving Police Scotland in investigating hate crimes against those who simply have a different viewpoint, the act emphasizing an apparent protection of the 21st. century Scotland, rather than ensuring the nation’s foundations are being protected of a Christian Scotland that ensures freedom for all under a Constitution that clearly emphasizes the Creator God who has ordained man to multiply rather than suppress himself with the de-population programme of the green agenda.


One of the protected groups in the act is the elderly who were brought up in a God-fearing society that had just won the Second World War with King George VI calling the nation to prayer. Those upholding the values of these years are being hated so we ask the Scottish Government whether they are hating a generation that fought for our freedom by trusting God and whether they themselves are guilty of their own law?


In summary, this law according to the Scottish Heritage Party is a major attack on our freedom, an attack on our ability to disagree with the global narrative of the Scottish Government, and it has been reported already that even if Police decide that no crime has been committed as in the case of MSP Murdo Fraser, his name remains on Police Files as being a person of non-crime hate. It is clear that this act needs to be exposed for what it is and it is that of a direct attack on freedom and thus un-constitutional, and for this reason it will not need to be repealed because it is not law in the first place, indeed the very act is a document of high treason rather than a document in line with our nation’s heritage. Indeed Libby Purves, well respected journalist writing for The Times declares that she cannot believe how far Scotland has fallen, a nation needing to rise again freed up from needless regulation and law!


Declared David Kurten: Our society based on liberty and enterprise balanced by individual responsibility allows the opportunity for citizens to prosper. Our Common Law based on Christian principles is the fairest system of justice in the world, and the United Kingdom is one of the best places in the world for members of minority communities to live. This is what we will restore in Scotland.


Continues David Kurten: For a nation to thrive it must be connected to its roots. We as the living generation are responsible for looking after the heritage which has been passed to us from our forefathers, and we have a duty to pass it on to the generations which will come after us. This is the basis of social conservatism. 

Successive governments have eroded our freedom, given away our sovereignty and mismanaged our economy. 

The Heritage Party exists to return to the principles of social conservatism, to reverse the cultural destruction wreaked by politically correct ideologies and to return to our true traditions and heritage. In embracing these principles, we believe the United Kingdom can once again become a great and prosperous nation.

We have a great and proud history, but our culture and heritage are under severe attack by subversive ideologies in the guise of political correctness. This is a real and present danger to the fabric of our society. The slow corrosion of the ‘Long March Through the Institutions’ is now evident. Marxist groups and activists openly agitate to smash capitalism, disrupt the nuclear family, defund the police and close prisons while accusing British society of systemic injustice.

The Heritage Party rejects these false narratives and believes we should celebrate our culture and heritage. Our society based on liberty and enterprise balanced by individual responsibility allows the opportunity for citizens to prosper. Our Common Law based on Christian principles is the fairest system of justice in the world, and the United Kingdom is one of the best places in the world for members of minority communities to live.

Children should be taught British history in schools, both good and bad, but with a sense that on balance, we are a nation with a history and heritage to be proud of.

There should be no law or penalty for expressing controversial opinions, making jokes, or engaging in banter. This means supporting the freedom of speech of people who have differing views to ourselves, even if we find such opinions offensive. Everyone has the right to freedom of belief, freedom of speech and freedom of expression, provided they are not inciting violence or crime, or directly threatening another person.

Everyone must have the right to discuss and criticise all ideologies and texts without fear of being harassed by the state for their opinions. This right has been eroded over recent decades by the burgeoning concept of so-called ‘hate speech’, which is a term used to impose ‘repressive tolerance’, whereby only the prevailing ‘politically correct’ viewpoint is tolerated, and other views are stifled or sanctioned, even if they are held by the majority.

Nobody should be dragged through the courts or fired from their jobs because someone has accused them of ‘hate speech’. The Heritage Party will repeal the legal framework which has led to repressive tolerance so that everyone can once again feel free to express themselves freely, whether in social settings or on-line. We will require that Codes of Conduct for employment allow freedom of expression outside the workplace and demand that Codes of Conduct at Universities encourage, rather than restrict, diversity of opinion. Digital social media platforms should be open to all and not be allowed to censor legal opinions simply because someone considers them to be ‘politically incorrect’; they should be classified as publishers if they engage in such arbitrary censorship.

Free speech must also be ensured in the media, both mainstream and social media. Broadcasters, reporters, journalists and commentators must be free to say anything they wish provided it is lawful and does not incite crime or violence. The state should not be allowed to shut down people and organisations on the spurious grounds of ‘misinformation’, ‘disinformation’ or ‘bias’.

Liberty also means that individuals have autonomy over their own lives, as well as individual responsibility for their actions and choices. The state should not seek to impose its own ideologies on individuals, nor force or coerce individuals into making choices concerning themselves or any aspects of their life over which they should have rightful autonomy. Individuals have responsibility for their own finances. They also have responsibility for their own health, and no-one should be forced or coerced to take any medicine or vaccination without their consent.

The draconian lockdown laws and regulations implemented during the Covid era were an egregious and unlawful attack on our civil liberties. The Heritage Party opposes arbitrary restrictions on citizens and businesses and will ensure there are no more lockdowns.

The technology now exists to create a dystopian 24-7 surveillance state where everyone and everything can be monitored continuously. It is therefore more important than ever to guarantee liberty and ensure that individuals continue to have the right to privacy and anonymity. The law should ensure that people can live a private life by default unless they choose otherwise. Personal information should not be held without consent. This principle should also apply to personal financial transactions. Cash must remain an option for purchasing goods and services at retail outlets for people who choose not to use electronic payment methods. We oppose any moves toward a ‘cashless society’ which would discriminate against many vulnerable, elderly and poorer people who do not have access to banking and electronic payments.

In addition, the state should not attempt to unduly interfere with family life or micro-manage families and relationships. Parents are the primary educators and carers of their children, and have the right to bring up their children as they wish, either through home education or in school. There has never been a requirement for parents to register children who are home educated or a compulsion to place them in school. These freedoms should not be removed by the state.

At present by centralizing the power of local Police Forces, Scotland has witnessed a marked increase in crime. The local “bobby” on the beat has been replaced by a Police Force that few can associate with. This will change with a Scottish Heritage Party Government with the restoration of the original county boundaries, each having its own Police Force that works with on a national level with the Police forces of Scotland.


Continues David Kurten: All people are individually responsible for their actions. We hold that all crime should be treated equally seriously, and the same sentence should be given for the same crime regardless of the characteristics of the criminal. This understanding of equality before the law is today being subverted by a growing number of activist magistrates, judges and police officers. The invention of ‘hate crime’ has led to criminals with certain characteristics being treated more harshly than others for the same crime if they are considered to be ‘privileged’ by activists, and more leniently if they are considered to have a ‘protected characteristic’.

The notion that a more severe punishment should be given for a ‘hate crime’ should be rejected. Sentencing for violent crimes must be equally tough regardless of whether or not a criminal has a ‘protected characteristic’, so that the British people can be safe in our own country.

Policing and criminal justice must be re-focussed again on arresting dangerous criminals and jailing them, rather than ‘understanding systemic injustices against minorities’. We would increase stop and search which is an effective tool for preventing crime and getting knives and guns off our streets, targeted in areas where there is the most violent crime.

There should be an end to automatic release from prison half way through a sentence for violent crime. Violent criminals must serve the bulk of their sentence in prison, with no more than a 10% reduction for good behaviour.

Judgements in criminal cases must be based on objective evidence and not subjective feelings. A defendant has the right of habeas corpus, the right to a fair trial, and is considered innocent until proven guilty. We reject new ‘hate speech’ laws which undermine these fundamental principles and are designed to criminalise speech based on whether a complainant feels offended or uncomfortable.

Political correctness has led to violent crime spiralling out of control, and a systemic failure to deal with certain classes of crimes committed by individuals with ‘protected characteristics’, particularly where there are patterns of criminal behaviour in specific ethnic minorities. It has allowed the problem of grooming and raping of tens of thousands of girls under the age of 16 to fester in hundreds of towns and cities across the country. This is a grave injustice and will be at the top of our priorities to set this country right again. Such heinous crimes do not need new laws; there just needs to be the political will to enforce the laws we already have.

The police force, prison service, probation service and courts must be properly financed so that the country has an effective policing and criminal justice system. The cutting of 20,000 police officers, the botched privatisation of the probation service and the disposal of hundreds of police stations and Magistrates Courts to housing developers in recent years are unforgivable. No more local police stations or Courts should be sold off, and new ones need to be opened to replace those which have been closed.

The Heritage Party wants an end to politically correct policing and justice. The job of the police is to protect us from murderers, grooming gangs, burglars, rapists, paedophiles, vandals, thieves and thugs; it is not to kneel before Marxists, make dancing videos for the internet, or hassle people for politically incorrect opinions.

In summary therefore, The Scottish Heritage Party wants an end to politically correct policing and justice. The job of the police is to protect us from murderers, grooming gangs, burglars, rapists, paedophiles, vandals, thieves and thugs; it is not to kneel before Marxists, make dancing videos for the internet, or hassle people for politically incorrect opinions, increasing stop and search which is an effective tool for preventing crime and getting knives and guns off our streets, targeted in areas where there is the most violent crime.

Judgements in criminal cases must be based on objective evidence and not subjective feelings. A defendant has the right of habeas corpus, the right to a fair trial, and is considered innocent until proven guilty. In Scotland over decades, we have a special safeguard being the “not proven” verdict which will continue with a Scottish Heritage Party Government.  

We therefore reject new ‘hate speech’ laws which undermine fundamental principles of law. We will place the emphasis on putting an end to crime rather than closing free speech which seems to be the objective of the current Scottish government! Instead, we will encourage investigative journalism at local and national levels congratulating the sacrifice of Julian Assange who merely exposed the crimes and corruptions of western governments to metaphorically be nailed to a continuous Calvary Cross according to one well-known Scottish politician.







We believe we can bring to Scotland, a more efficient, less expensive Health Care service, free at the point of use by a programme of prevention .......


Dentists know this! If they can see their patients on a regular basis, they can prevent later major surgery. The other parts of our bodies are no different. If we can see everyone on a regular basis, screening, when necessary, we can prevent serious illness and possibly death. If prevention therefore is at the heart of our health service, then we can reduce costs, prevent illness and disease, and have a healthier community, and this is where economic policy comes in. If we can de-centralise government to the original county lines, local people can play a part in the building up of smaller areas and have cultural identity in a less stressed society, that has local hospital and no-stress GP surgeries.

The present globalised perspective of the SNP-Green government is handing over power to a global elite intent on running down nationalism and local identity. We intend to bring this back, and by so doing have a happier society secure in local identity, thus reducing stress and strain on medical services.

More people have died with the use of mRNA vaccines and lockdown than COVID 19, and so we need a government with a wide perspective who could have forecast this. David Kurten and the Heritage Party have been consistent in this, and we are carrying on this perspective .in Scotland.


Prevention is far better than cure. The whole basis of our policy is that you are seen before it is too late, rather than roll-out dangerous so-called vaccines. To put things right, we must deal with the negatives and there are many after a needless lockdown and running down of the economy by an SNP-Green Government that has cost so many lives.


The biggest negative is the ongoing slaughter of the unborn child, a child being just as much a child in the womb as he/she is out of it. 15 out of every 1,000 babies are slaughtered by the Scottish NHS. (2022 GOV UK figures).  This we see as a national disgrace, it being the determination of the Scottish Heritage Party that all babies in the womb be born safely in local caring environments. No more travelling 60 miles to have a baby as it is for people in Stranraer having to travel to Dumfries, with even longer distances in the Highlands.


The huge number of “vaccine” injured is a testimony to all the social media companies who censored debate, to government who ignored the warnings of eminent scientists and medics in the Great Barrington Declaration, and to those in government who in effect closed the economy down. This Party has been consistent in opposing all of this and puts to the electorate if you really want to vote again for the people who put us in this health care mess?

​As to unnecessary operations in relation to gender identity, this will no longer be paid out of the public purse, these resources being transferred to life and death situations.


The Scottish Heritage Party congratulates journalists Mark Steyn and our own Neil Oliver in Scotland for highlighting the case of the mRNA vaccine injured. Let the people of Scotland be assured that we will bring out the truth of the last three years, of the way the people of Scotland have been put under an avalanche of fear mongering by an SNP-Green Government determined in our view to put into the arms of our citizens substances that have either severely injured or in many cases killed our citizens.

Not only has this government poisoned in our view the blood streams of the nation, it has also by lockdown after lockdown caused death after death by wrecking our economy, our health and education services now being stretched like never before resulting in an under educated, drug ridden nation that has so many physical and mental health issues to deal with, that we can safely say the Government's record is one of despair and sickness to the people.


The fruit of all this is the vast number of “vaccine” injured and deaths, the vast increase in other deaths caused by the stress of lockdown and the break-up of the economy, the reduced amount of cancer screening resulting in a vast increase in the death rate, the “vaccine” in itself it would seem causing cancers to aggressively grow rather than decline.


Our Opponents Accuse us of being theorists! It is however time to examine the data and change course, ban mRNA vaccines with their HEK 293 kidney tissue cell lines, reportedly used from an aborted foetus in 1973, the pro MRNA vaccine North Dakota Health Department admitting this.


The Scottish Heritage Party supports the work of the UK Medical Alliance in their activity in continuously warning government of their actions in implementing what they describe as destructive and unethical policies. They identify four areas of concern:

1)  Overestimation of the public health risk from SARS-CoV-2

2)  Inadequate assessment of the public health risk from a Covid vaccine.

3)  Medical freedom and informed consent.

4)  Media claims and misinformation.

It is our view concerning the vaccine supporting governments of the UK that there has been a failure to introduce due diligence, a failure that has tragically destroyed families, their businesses, their education and most importantly in many cases their health.

Dr Aseem Malhotra in the Journal of Insulin Resistence on 26 09 22 called for an immediate and complete suspension of mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” pending a full and independent investigation into the safety of these products. The NHS which we believe we can prove to have continually given false information on these vaccines over the last three years has without permission put propaganda links on social media presentations that question the safety of these so-called vaccines, an NHS bound by outside influences of a new world order rather than scientific and medical fact.


Data is showing a considerable increase in excess deaths over the last year, the Office of National Statistics running at 127% in England. The British Heart Foundation reports that the most common cause of these excess deaths is heart disease putting great strain on cardiac services. Other factors outside of the covid “vaccine” are being blamed for this, as in a report by Steven Crowder, a UK funeral director who reports seeing strange blood clots in bodies of the vaccinated, Undertaker John O'Looney reporting seeing fibrous blood clots in vaccinated bodies like he has never witnessed before.

We in the Scottish Heritage Party will push strongly for a major inquiry into blood clotting and the “vaccine”, there being many reports like the one being cited here, the number of “vaccine” injured and deaths being very clear, it being the responsibility of the pharmaceutical companies who have in our view not acted on the result of their own tests on “vaccine” safety and produced “vaccines” unethically that have to compensate individuals and grieving families.


The NHS website declares these vaccines to be "safe and effective" but this is clearly not the case, social media companies referring viewers to the NHS website, and if anyone questions that site on youtube they receive a strike. There is no end of scientific and medical expertise that declares these “vaccines” as unsafe as we show here, and we the citizens of Scotland have not been allowed on some parts of social media to express medical belief that differs from the WHO and NHS, that alternative view now proving to be the fact.

The Scottish Heritage Party therefore will put pressure on social media companies to stop censoring those who express medical and scientific belief and compensate those who already have been "cancelled". Indeed, it is our policy to cancel "cancel culture" within the context of the activities of the WEF, UN, EU and WHO.

Dr Robert Malone who played a foundational role in the development of mRNA vaccines has now seen the serious dangers of them. Initially he reports that he thought the “vaccines” would be safe even though they deliver a gene sequence for producing "spike" protein, that is characteristic of the Covid virus, it originally being hoped that this would prime the immune system to lessen the impact of SARS-COV-2 itself, the protein being toxic and thus as he says becomes a threat to human health. Scientists apparently thought that toxic reactions would only last a few hours, but this has been shown to be false. Malone has stated that the individual on being vaccinated receives a "truckload of spike antigen," Malone concluding that natural immunity is "more robust, longer lasting and more protective."

Multiple jabs are reported by Malone as causing great harm too for they train the immune system to respond only to the spike protein making those with multiple jabs far more likely to get the disease along with the possibility of nervous system disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory disorder, skin disorders, infections, heart and blood vessel disorders, psychiatric disorders, blood and lymph system disorders, eye disorders and many more declared Dr Malone.

​A VOTE THEREFORE for THE SCOTTISH HERITAGE PARTY will bring about pressure being put on  pharmaceutical companies to compensate all the dear souls who have lost loved ones or are vaccine injured - our heart being to take over from the WEF loving governments we have and replace them with local councils who know and understand local areas, can meet the individual needs of local areas rather than all the time be under the WEF-EU-WHO-UN-loving bureaucrats of the un-elected NWO!

From Conception to the Grave, we will protect all the people of Scotland. Surely if we believe that God has given us life, it must be our first duty to preserve it! The whole issue we believe is dependent on whether a child in the womb is fully human, potentially human, or subhuman. British Constitutional obligations on government are to protect life rather than destroy it depending on whether the child in the womb is a living being or not.


The Scottish Heritage Party declares, as President Reagan declared without doubt that a child in the womb is fully human, and no human being including the child’s mother has any right whatsoever to kill a child precious to God, and all those who declare that life is above death.

It is understood by The Scottish Heritage Party that those who favour the availability of abortion would consider a child in the womb as either being potentially human or subhuman. If the government of the day understands the child in the womb as fully human, then that government would be guilty of the crime of murder if it allowed the crime of abortion to take place, it becoming more serious when one considers the foetal pain the child suffers in being slaughtered.

It is a scientific fact that human life in the womb begins long before breathing at conception, and so how can we possibly continue as a nation if we are killing part of our population continuously? It is also a scientific fact that an embryo is not an extension of the mother for the baby has its own sex from conception and after forty days has its own brain waves, yet government after government have seen it fit to slaughter these innocents at a rate King Herod would have thought impossible.

Within a few weeks the baby has its own blood type and unique fingerprints, birth simply, therefore, changing the method of receiving oxygen and food. In reply to the argument that “legalized” abortion has saved lives, it is simply not true to say that it has saved thousands of mothers from dying but is true to say that it has killed millions of babies. We in the Scottish Heritage Party believe it to be our call to save the lives of these babies. Information from Norman Geisler’s book on Christian Ethics gives figures of 1/100 of 1% maternal death rate whereas abortion operations have a 100% death rate. It is the position of the Scottish Heritage Party that even saving the lives of hundreds of mothers does not justify costing the lives of millions of babies.

10 million babies have been slaughtered in Britain since 1967 and so it is the position of the Scottish Heritage Party that if we are to show to generations growing up that violence and abuse against others is wrong, then government must show its repentance for being the main perpetrator of it.


Figures show from the U.S.A. that between 1973 when abortion was legalized, and 1982 child abuse increased by more than 500% proving the principle of sowing and reaping. If you therefore, place violence onto youth, youth will return violence back to you particularly from a world now seemingly devoid of family stability.

The Young Generation is growing up surrounded by immorality and violence, the main perpetrators therefore not being the young people on the streets increasing knife crime figures, but government itself. Perhaps the principle of removing the plank from one's own eye must be established before we start tackling the problem of youth crime on the streets.


Protecting Teenage Children from any form of life changing surgery during years of puberty. The Scottish Heritage Party cares about young people, cares about their ideologies that are coming their way from the education system in Scotland, rather politically bias media sources like the BBC, Sky, ITV as well as the written press.

We are simply saying that children going through the changes of puberty should not be subjected into making choices that in the rest of their life they may regret. defines puberty as follows:

  • Puberty is the period of sexual maturation and achievement of fertility.

  • The time when puberty begins varies greatly among individuals; however, puberty usually occurs in girls between the ages of 10 and 14 and between the ages of 12 and 16 in boys.

  • Both genetic and environmental factors are involved in the timing of puberty.

  • Body fat and/or body composition may play a role in regulating the onset of puberty.

  • Puberty is associated with the development of secondary sex characteristics and rapid growth.

  • Central precocious puberty (CPP) is puberty that occurs earlier than normal due to release of hormones from the hypothalamus of the brain.

  • Girls are more likely than boys to have precocious puberty (early puberty).

  • Breast development is usually the first sign of puberty in girls.

  • Puberty may also be accompanied by emotional and mood changes.

  • Some medical conditions may worsen or first become apparent at puberty.


It is therefore important to protect young ones particularly at this time of development. It is concerning that government is allowing certain groups promoting a particular kind of sexual orientation should have access to vulnerable young people at a certain time of their development. It is our policy to stop this access and return to the teaching of traditional family values, a view supported by many faith communities who seem to no longer have a say in the bringing up of the nation's children. We will put this right.


Under the 2004 Gender Identification Act it is only an adult, not a child who can apply for a "gender recognition certificate" and only if they have lived as a presentation of the opposite sex for two years. Government therefore is differentiating its ideology to adulthood and not children in this act. To quote research from the Christian Institute: In recent years transgender ideology has been embraced by the mainstream. Celebrities and much of the media are keen to promote it. Activists are pushing society towards accepting it unquestioningly and shutting down essential debate. This means that instead of providing transgender people with the support they need to help them embrace the bodies they were born with, society is compounding their confusion, with damaging consequences.

Drastic treatments are being promoted, such as puberty-blocking drugs, hormone treatment and ‘sex change’ surgeries. Many go on to regret this course of action. The impact on young people is particularly concerning. In 2018 2,519 children were referred to the NHS’s Gender Identity Development Service – a more than 700% increase over the previous five years.

A man cannot become a woman. A woman cannot become a man. It is not loving to affirm the idea that a person is ‘trapped in the wrong body’ – especially when this could encourage them to undergo medical interventions that are dangerous both physically and psychologically. 


The above research is particularly relevant when it comes to teenagers going through puberty. It is not the time to make dramatic medical interventions and it is our intention to close government agencies from interfering with the growing body of an individual particularly at a time of changing feelings. We will protect the teenage child.


Promoting the unscientific idea that a man can become a woman and vice versa is the publicly funded Stonewall that according to Citizen Go receives £1.1 million pounds of taxpayer money last year. With this money Stonewall has indoctrinated every area of society including the academic world, government, the legal system, the media, business, and schools.


Under a Scottish Heritage Party Government in league with the Heritage Party in UK we can look forward to restoring our nation away from such doctrines like two years olds being able to be transgender that has even indoctrinated parts of the national church here in Scotland. Certain banks have closed bank accounts of opponents to Stonewall, the opposition being seen as criminals under hate crime legislation like we are witnessing in Scotland, with so many losing their livelihoods for speaking out in defence of innocent children.


The government’s duty is to uphold our Constitutional Acts which declare to keep the laws of God making the giving of grants to those who do not as illegal and unconstitutional, the Scottish Heritage Party on coming to power will uphold the Monarch’s promise to protect the people from such dangerous ideologies and have a nation once more based on family values.


History tells us that Czars, monarchs, emperors and kings have been more interested in going to war than making peace, so it is probably with good cause that people are suspicious of politics and politicians. Nowadays however, in our supposedly democratic times, it seems that dissatisfaction has risen to a new level even though technology and medical knowledge have progressed to a point where many of the problems of yesteryear have been eradicated and where capitalism has raised millions of people out of poverty.


Confidence in public services is at an all-time low with pessimism growing. The Scottish Heritage Party recognizes the importance of counteracting this by bringing in legislation to ensure medical services are ruled by those who support our well-being and freedom. In line with the Nolan principles, we will insist on an openness and transparency to replace what we see as lies being given, particularly in view of the dangers of mRNA technology denied by the NHS.

​At the beginning of the “pandemic” highly qualified medical experts who were world renowned experts in immunology and virology, found cheap repurposed anti-viral drugs which had been used to treat humans for decades and cured Covid, but these drugs were banned in favour of new experimental drugs with no record of safety being developed by pharmaceutical companies. Who benefits from this? The pharmaceutical companies got governments to agree that the test data for these drugs should not be publicised for 65 years. Why did they ask for this immunity? They were forced later to publish the data and medical researchers who looked at the data concluded that the Covid vaccine was not safe and not effective. Clearly, decisions made by governments, medical authorities and drug companies were not in our best interests and the media are still telling us to take more and more boosters. Why would you need a booster? A vaccine is supposed to give you immunity. This kind of false information given by governments will be challenged continuously by the Scottish Heritage Party who will give the truth rather than present medications that have led to millions of deaths and vaccine injured.


In addition to this, a Scottish Heritage Party Government will consider the immense harm the lockdown had on faith groups, businesses, charities and on the physical and mental well-being of everybody. The ban on churches opening during the lockdown has already been found to have been illegal, thus placing an obligation of government to compensate. An example of this occurred in California where the Grace Community Church of Sun Valley received $800,000 compensation from government, its Pastor having been threatened by jail time for opening its church. Such persecution occurred in Scotland too and so those who brought about an illegal lockdown need to be brought to justice to compensate all those who needlessly suffered including the mentally disabled person who could not handle government fear mongering, the victims receiving compensation from the Criminal Injury Compensation Authority.


The Mail OnLine reported on August 19, 2022, ONS recording 10,000 more deaths at that time than the five-year average, these deaths having nothing to do with covid, the paper linking this to the effects of lockdown. It is therefore our position that those responsible for this illegal lockdown need to be brought to justice with compensation given to the victims.


It is also appropriate to bring to justice those of the pharmaceutical companies who are found to have lied in relation to the safety of mRNA technology, it being common knowledge that there is no such thing as a safe vaccine unless it had been tested over many years, and there needs to be an investigation as to whether the so called vaccine is a vaccine at all – or is it a gene therapy as many well qualified medics declare?


The Scottish Heritage Party will also bring about an investigation into the role of the WHO in all of this particularly in view of how it seems very likely they have played a role in the demise of the nation’s health that includes excess heart and cancer deaths. The British written Constitution forbids foreign infiltration into our legal processes and so we will restore government back to its constitutional foundations and avoid ever again such an infiltration of globalism into our society.


In summary, the Scottish Health Care System will be one that emphasizes LIFE and so with the removal of abortion and assisted dying schemes we can look forward to a return to how Scottish health care once was, one of the best in the world, its prevention schemes thus bringing about less stress on the system both for patients and medics alike.


Declares David Kurten: There have been nearly 10 million abortions carried out in the UK since the Abortion Act in 1967, and now there are over 220,000 abortions per year in the UK. Unborn children are children. In every abortion a human life is ended.

We will end legal abortion in all parts of the United Kingdom, except in medical emergencies to save the life of the mother. The culture of abortion should be replaced with a culture of life, firstly by encouraging personal responsibility to avoid the need for abortions in the first place, and then by providing help and support, or alternatives such as adoption to mothers when needed. We will also repeal the laws that allow experimentation on unborn children from conception.

We will completely defund UK government support for abortion programs outside the UK.

The state must not support practices that cause genital mutilation and sterility. The ’gender affirmation’ model for gender dysphoria must be abandoned in the healthcare and education sectors and replaced with a return to addressing the underlying issues behind body dysmorphia conditions when they occur. Puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and gender surgery should never be administered to children under 18. 

We support counselling and therapy for people seeking help with gender dysphoria or unwanted same-sex attraction: we oppose any ban on talking therapies, counselling, prayer and pastoral care for these issues that far-left activists pejoratively call ‘conversion therapy’.

The Heritage Party is also concerned for the sanctity of life of older and disabled people. The elderly have as much right to healthcare as the young, and they should not be made to feel a burden. We shall emphasise the Hippocratic Oath and stop nihilistic elements in the medical profession from wreaking destruction. ‘Do not resuscitate’ orders are liberally applied in hospitals, often without consent. We will oppose any legalisation of assisted suicide, or any change to the medical code of conduct allowing arbitrary deprivation of treatment. 

There must never be a repeat of the traumatic cases of Alfie Evans and Charlie Gard, where these children were denied treatment offered to them because of the decisions of activist magistrates and medical practitioners who refused to allow these children to receive treatments offered by other hospitals. No medical practitioner or magistrate should have a right to decide to block a patient from receiving an offer of a potentially life-saving treatment, over and above the express wishes of the next-of-kin, especially the parents or spouse of a patient.

Since the passing of matrons ruling our hospitals to the highest standards, we have witnessed in Scotland an application of bureaucrats trying to bring business practice into a system that has missed the heart of dedicated nursing professionals. Whilst it is important to have proficient administrative systems, it is more important to restore the passions of yesteryear that would stand firmly against any who would try and do harm to the service.


Continues David Kurten: The stifling bureaucracy of the NHS has led to the longest waiting lists for hospital treatment in the Western world. When people need to see a doctor, they should be able to see a GP face to face with no waiting time. There should be no waiting lists for surgery or hospital treatment. In order to reduce waiting lists, the NHS should fund treatment for their patients in the private sector where necessary so that waiting times for operations are reduced and waiting lists are ultimately brought down to zero.

Our country should train enough doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses and midwives to work in the healthcare sector without having to rely on a constant stream of migrant healthcare workers because we do not train enough people here to do the jobs that need to be done.  There should be no caps on the number of places for British citizens to train to be doctors and dentists at University, or to train on-the-job to be nurses and midwives. 

Nursing should not be a degree-only subject that is a route to management whereby qualified nurses do little actual practical care. Nurses should spend the majority of their time on wards giving practical care and we will once again make nursing a profession with on-the-job training. 

The NHS should only be available for UK citizens apart from accident and emergency units. Foreign nationals should be required to take out private medical insurance before they come to the UK and during the duration of their stay to relieve the pressure from health tourists.

Medical autonomy and informed consent must be upheld and never again breached as it was in the Covid period. There must never be any coercion, threat, penalty or punishment for choosing not to take a particular medicine or vaccination.

Preventative medicine should be at the heart of our healthcare system, whereby citizens are empowered to live healthy and wholesome lifestyles and avoid chronic conditions that make them dependent on drugs for a lifetime. The use of natural products should be elevated to standard use if they are found to be safe and effective in curing diseases and enhancing health and vitality.

The healthcare budget should not be spent on the latest ultra-expensive treatments from pharmaceutical companies whose efficacy is questionable. There must never be a repeat of the general roll-out of unsafe products like thalidomide or experimental mRNA injections, which has led to a surge in excess mortality and the physical impairment of multitudes of people who were deceived or coerced into taking them.

Mental health should be cared for by empowering citizens to experience varied, healthy lifestyles and avoid the negative messaging of media conglomerates. Mental health conditions should be treated primarily by ‘talking cure’ methods rather than diagnosing anti-psychotics or anti-depressants without thought to the underlying issues that cause people to present with mental health conditions. There are occasions where anti-depressants or anti-psychotics may be needed, for example to reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia, but this should be combined with interventions to identify and heal underlying issues.

Writes Charles McEwan: The NHS was set up in Britain with the best of intentions in the aftermath of WW2, to protect the health of the nation. There is always room for improvement but in order for that to happen there needs to be a willingness to listen to criticism, Unfortunately the media has taken on the role of preventing that criticism from being heard and has even demonized and smeared honest health professionals who have raised concern which don’t fit the official narrative.

The result has been that the health of the nation has in some areas been diminished. The most obvious is the deliberate killing of 200,000 people every year before they are born. 200,000 is an astronomical figure and it occurs every year in the U.K.  This sound very much like genocide but there are many other questions that should also be addressed and in particular is the unwillingness of the medical profession to investigate the fact that people over the last few years have been dying at a higher rate than normal.

 This problem was first highlighted not by medical professionals but by funeral directors and insurance companies which were having to pay out for death insurance at a rate 40% above normal, a figure which has dropped to around 20% above normal but which shows no sign of decreasing any further. Why is the medical profession not investigating this as a matter of great urgency? This is not due to malfeasance by the hard-working doctors and nurses who care for the sick but because of protocols which are decided at very high levels and which doctors and nurses have to abide with. The Heritage Party is concerned with this problem and we have policies to address this.

HIPPOCRATIC OATH: Reverse the decision made some years ago that doctors do not have to take the Hippocratic Oath which states that the first priority of health professions should be “Do No Harm”. Currently, the oath taken by doctors has no promise by the physician to “do no harm” or never give a “lethal medicine” as in the original Hippocratic Oath.

ABORTION:  The Heritage Party is Pro-Life from conception to grave. We oppose the killing of innocent life and will support any measures to reduce the number of weeks after which abortion is illegal. We condemn the proposals put forward by some MPs which seek to permit abortion up to birth. The vast majority of abortions are performed not because of medical reasons but for economic and social reasons. The suicide rate for women who have abortions is much higher than for women who choose life for their babies and will work towards supporting mothers and making abortion unnecessary.


  • Include the study of food related remedies (as opposed to drug related remedies) be a significant part of the training of doctors.

PATIENT AUTONOMY:  Give patients:

1) the absolute right to decide what medicines go into their bodies and remove the authority of medical professionals to impose treatment against the wishes of patients and 

2) remove the authority to prevent alternative treatments which are available privately and

3) Abolish mandatory vaccines     

COVID:  Official sources such as EudraVigilance (EU, EEA, Switzerland), MHRA (UK) and VAERS (USA), have now recorded many more deaths and injuries from the COVID-19 “vaccine” roll-out than from all previous vaccines combined since records began.

The Scottish Heritage Party will campaign to: stop the COVID 19 mRNA gene therapy which is not a real vaccine; stop the existing proposal that all existing vaccines will be superseded by mRNA gene therapies; Investigate how false information during the COVID “pandemic” was used to ban drugs known to be safe for humans and why emergency Use Authorisation was given to an experimental gene therapy with no history of safety.

VACCINES: Revert the definition of vaccine back to the earlier definition which did not included gene therapies.

BIG PHARMA: The Scottish Heritage Party will:  Ensure that medical research is based on the health of people rather than the profits of drug companies,     make it illegal for drug companies to fund or give inducements of any type to health services, medical organizations or medical personnel and especially the MHRA (the regulatory body for ensuring the safety of drugs in the UK).      

Ensure that drugs approved by the NHS will continue to be available after the patent on the drug has lapsed and that the information about manufacturing these drugs is made publicly available after the patent lapses. Abolish immunity for drug companies if their products cause harm.

MEDICAL RESEARCH: The Heritage Party will campaign to:   

  • ban the patenting of medical research.Abolish the use of human cell lines for medical research and ensure that medical research uses ethical means in searching for cures of diseases.    

  • Abolish the practice of creating human/animal hybrids in the lab to be experimented on and then destroyed.

EXCESS DEATHS:  Official sources such as EudraVigilance (EU, EEA, Switzerland), MHRA (UK) and VAERS (USA), have now recorded many more deaths and injuries from the COVID-!9 “vaccine” roll-out than from all previous vaccines combined since records began so the Heritage Party will campaign for medical authorities to investigate why there has been an increase in the total number of deaths in recent years and why it shows no sign of abating.




There is great concern throughout the UK that our heritage is being taken over by global control that seems to have forced our nation to accept mass illegal immigration. This will not be the case with a Heritage Party government, our policy being clear, and we are strong enough to carry it out.


Declares David Kurten:


The population of the UK rose officially by 9 million between 2000 and 2020, from 59 million to 68 million, mostly through ultra-high net immigration, but this figure does not include millions more undocumented illegal immigrants. It has been exacerbated by previous governments which signed the UK into the UN Global Migration Compact, the Barcelona Declaration, and the Marrakesh Declaration, which are globalist schemes designed to encourage and normalise mass immigration without a democratic mandate. The Heritage Party will withdraw from these three schemes, and bring the era of mass, rapid immigration to an end.

Legal immigration must be brought down to sustainable, balanced levels, with strict caps on specific classes of immigration such as students and low-skilled and unskilled workers. Skilled workers should be allowed to come to the country for specific jobs on time-limited work visas where there is a shortage of British workers, but this must not be at the expense of training up British young people with the skills they need in every profession. Sham marriages and chain migration must be stopped, and illegal immigration must be halted entirely and reversed.

Substantial developments to protecting our borders and coastal waters are needed. More robust checks should be conducted at harbours and airports to prevent illegal immigration, and all means of forced entry to the country by migrants should be made unviable. There must be an end to rewards and incentives which encourage spurious claims of asylum by illegal immigrants who have travelled through a number of safe countries to claim benefits in the UK.

Asylum should only be granted to genuine refugees who have arrived in the UK without passing through any other safe countries such as France or Belgium, and they should be helped to return to their home countries when they become safe. All immigrants to the UK should be expected to adapt to our culture and way of life while they are here.

It is the poorest communities which have borne the consequences of mass, rapid immigration. The political and economic beneficiaries of mass immigration do not have to share their resources, space or facilities with the millions of migrants they have let into the country, and they are shielded from the consequences of their decisions. These include unaffordable homes, wage compression, packed trains, a lack of school places and huge pressure on doctors’ surgeries and Accident & Emergency units in the towns and cities where immigration levels have been the highest, as well as a housing crisis as it has simply not been possible to build homes for 9 million extra people in 20 years.

Illegal migrant workers are often willing to work for less than the minimum wage, but some are duped and forced into enduring appalling slave-like conditions to enrich unscrupulous bosses who break the law. This has led to wage compression with honest hard-working British men and women unable to compete with illegal cheap migrant labour. We will beef up our Border Force to provide them with the resources they need to return illegal immigrants to their home countries. Anyone found to be using illegal cheap foreign labour or forcing others to work in slavery should be imprisoned and have their assets confiscated to pay compensation.

Charles McEwan summarises:

  • The Marxist agenda to destroy the West included mass immigration to destabilize societies in preparation for the Marxist/Globalist take over. Previous governments signed the UK into the UN Global Migration Compact, the Barcelona Declaration, and the Marrakesh Declaration, which are globalist schemes designed to encourage and normalise mass immigration without a democratic mandate. The Scottish Heritage Party will withdraw from these three schemes, and bring the era of mass, rapid immigration to an end.


  •  We will protect our borders and will not give asylum to economic migrants.  Skilled workers should be allowed to come to the country for specific jobs on time-limited work visas where there is a shortage of British workers, but this must not be at the expense of training up British young people with the skills they need in every profession. Sham marriages and chain migration must be stopped, and illegal immigration must be halted entirely and reversed.


  • Mass immigration has resulted in wage compression, packed trains, a lack of school places and huge pressure on doctors’ surgeries and Accident & Emergency units in the towns and cities where immigration levels have been the highest, as well as a housing crisis.


  • We will maintain our independence on medical matters and will not allow the World Health Organization to have authority to declare when a pandemic exists.


  • We will remove our country from the jurisdiction of the European Court. We will enter into trading arrangements with other countries which are beneficial to both. We are happy to co-operate with international organizations, but we will not be subject to their dictats.                                                                                                                                                                              

  •  WE will not agree to the imposition of a foreign legal or monetary system, or the jurisdiction of foreign courts.


It needs to be noted in Scotland that its population is 96% white, the Scottish Heritage Party welcoming in immigrants in a controlled manner, encouraging immigrants to learn the distinct Scottish heritage and culture from whatever ethnic background so we can have a Scotland that is together as one, free to express its unified heart.


FREEDOM TO THE CENSORED - When it comes to the eco-Green religion our opponents say the "Science" says or the "Scientists" say! When it comes to the mRNA so called vaccines our opponents accuse us of being "conspiracy theorists" but rarely do we hear the actual names of the alleged scientists or medics in the case of the mRNA so called vaccines.



The mainstream media suppress what opponents to the establishment have to say, we are getting strikes on youtube and warned of our future behaviour telling us continuously that SAGE, WHO and the UN are right and that there can be no questioning of what they have to say. We have to lockdown; we must take the VAX that we believe has killed and maimed millions.

One well-known expert opponent is Dr Robert Malone, a BS in biochemistry from the University of California in 1984, an MS in Biology from the same University in 1988 and an MD from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in 1991, then attending for post-doctoral studies Harvard University. Our point in naming him as an example is that he is an expert witness, yet he was and is a censored expert witness, he going onto teach pathology at the University of California and at the University of Maryland.

His expertise was ignored by all the governments of the UK, it now coming out the extent of “vaccine” injuries and deaths by the number of compensation cases going through the system, 4,000 is the apparent number in Scotland but we believe in the nation of the UK the number is far higher than that.


At a recent meeting in the UK Parliament Dr Robert Malone took the stand at the invitation of Andrew Bridgen M.P., the room overflowed with people listening to expert evidence from scientists and medics who previously have had their testimonies suppressed and censored.

The meeting asked the following questions:

1)  What about the cover-up about the origins of the virus?

2)  What about the dangers of the vaccine?

3)  What about the cover-up of the effectiveness of early treatments?

4)  What about the censorship?

5)  When is the government going to come clean?

Our role in Scotland is to ask these questions to the Scottish Parliament for all around us people have died and become injured because of a so-called vaccine that should never have been distributed, and it is the policy of our Party to ban its use and save lives not only of those who would have it, but also of those whose tissue lines had been used in relation to its production.

The attempts to censor the truth continue at this stage however even in the recent meeting of the UK Parliament. Declared Dr Robert Malone:

In the end:

1)  It didnt matter that when the Sargent of Arms downgraded the room request, to only fit a third of those that wanted in.

2)  It didn't matter that the Sargent of Arms refused the application of various media outlets to fufil the testimony.

3)  It didn't matter that "they" turned off all the cameras - that are meant to record every meeting in the building.

4)  It didn't even matter that "they" had "AV" issues, so a muted video feed was all that was available.

5)  It didn't matter that the TV in the room for presentations was muted with no remote control.

6)  It didn't matter that "they" placed many uniformed guards outside the hearing room, something some people in the room said they had not witnessed before.

Dr Malone however despite of all of this remains upbeat giving us the confidence in the Scottish Heritage Party of our future victories at elections for the truth will always come out, and that which has been suppressed will become victory for the people before our eyes.

​It is our view that the establishment is running scared hence "they" would not behave in such a manner. We are living in an era of bio-warfare, and we need a government that will protect the people from "conception to the grave."


Continues Dr Malone:

There is an unmet need for a rapid response capability to allow a global capacity to mitigate the risks of emerging infectious and engineered pathogens. That is a valid concern. The technology has developed to the state where almost anyone with an undergraduate degree in biology can weaponize pathogens.


It is clear WHO and the governments of the world are not open to considering all sides of science preferring in our view to embrace a platform that reduces the world population rather that have an increasing population that is excited about the massive resources God has provided for us.

Life always overcomes death and the attempts of Parliament to suppress the presentation of opponents to the status quo has not gone unnoticed.  The former Vice President of drugs giant Pfizer Mike Yeadon, one of the world's leading experts in this field has warned repeatedly of the danger of the so called COVID-19 vaccine, and this after sixteen years working at high level with Pfizer.


Dr Mike Yeadon was invited to attend the Andrew Bridgen Parliamentary meeting but was unable to appear so recorded a testimony to be played at the meeting. Mysteriously due to technical reasons Dr Yeadon was not heard! When the material was presented, the testimony could not be played because of a missing remote control. In the interest of free speech, we give the points given by Dr Yeadon in his presentation:

Dr. Mike Yeadon’s address to the Members of UK Parliament 4th December 2023

Hello. My name is Dr. Mike Yeadon.

Probably know by now that I’m a career research scientist and biologist. I’ve worked in the biopharmaceutical industry for over 30 years. Famously, a former vice president at Pfizer, left in 2011 as vice president and worldwide head of Respiratory research.

I was responsible for everything from idea to clinical proof of concept. In the ten years after leaving Pfizer, I’ve worked as an independent. I consulted to 30 biotech companies.

I also founded Led and sold my own biotech Ziarco. And we were written up in a 2017 article in Forbes magazine. I think it was Converting Pfizer Discards into Gold, and it was written by a former Pfizer board member. So three years before this alleged event started, I was very well regarded in the industry.

I’m going to tell you that the design of the so-called vaccines was intentionally to harm people, and I’m going to give you several examples of that based on my extensive industry experience of rational drug design. Not a single atom or molecule in a synthetic drug is in there. By luck, it’s in there because people chose it to be in there and they intended certain things to flow from their choices.

But just very briefly, you should know, I hope there has not been a pandemic.

Denis Rancourt’s data shows that the all-cause mortality evidence data did not increase at all in the run up to the Declaration. Fraudulently by who? Of a pandemic. There is no public health emergency except that created by our governments.

An inappropriate fraudulent PCR test was used to give people the impression that they had a particular disease where they didn’t. There were all normal diseases. And then what happened was in three different ways. People were treated badly through changed medical procedures that were imposed above the level of nation.


Briefly, mass ventilation of people inappropriately in hospitals that led to lots of deaths. In care homes, many people were given sedatives and respiratory depressants which led to their deaths.

My PhD was specifically in that area of opiates and respiratory depression. And in the community, people were denied lifesaving antibiotics and died of bacterial pneumonia. There’s your pandemic. There is no other pandemic. And based on this lie, we were told that vaccines were coming our way and would be our saviour.

Two things, as I say. First, there’s no pandemic, so you certainly don’t need an experimental, rushed medical intervention. But secondly, even if you did, as someone who’s worked in the industry for over 30 years, I am telling you it’s absolutely impossible to invent, test, clinically, evaluate and manufacture and then launch on global scale a complex biomedical product. It’s absolutely impossible. It’s not as close, it’s years wrong.

The fastest record price of this was six years. And friends of mine who’ve worked all their lives in manufacturing of complex biological products tell me the methods development alone for the development of a reproducible manufacturing process itself takes a number of years.

So, whatever it is you think was done, I am telling you, there was not the development of a proper medical product. What I think happened was the advancement of materials that are intentionally toxic.

And then they were sketchily, advanced and jammed into people’s arms, often coerced, sometimes even mandated, with the unsurprising effect that millions of people have died. I don’t have time today to explain what I think they’re going to do in the future, but suffice to say, more injections are coming if we don’t stop this.


So, like I said, I’m skilled in the arts of rational drug discovery. So why am I saying these materials are intentionally toxic? Well, let me give you the first example. How do you think your body plays nice with itself, but when it’s infected or detects a cancer, it goes to war.

And the answer is, it distinguishes self-things that are meant to be inside you from non self, from foreign things that are not meant to be inside you. And it is trained exquisitely to detect and attack non self-foreign things. If you inject a person with a gene that encodes a foreign piece of protein, like a spike protein from a foreign organism, your body will detect that.

And every single cell that takes up that material and expresses foreign protein will be attacked and killed by your immune system. Now, if you think that’s advanced immunology, let me put you right. It’s in the first chapter. Distinguishing self from non self is one of the foremost lessons of immunology.

And every single person involved in the train of delivery of these materials to doctor’s hands knew what I’ve just told you, they will inevitably cause injury. Then on top of that, it’s not just bad enough that you’re making a foreign protein, you’re making a specific material called spike protein. Those materials are biologically active. That is, if you add them to human blood, for example, they start to coagulate, it clots.

Those materials are biological toxins. So now you’ve got a genetic sequence that forms foreign proteins. That means your body attacks and kills every cell that does it. And if you should release any of that protein in your blood, it will form blood clots. If it releases it near nerves, for example, you will get one or other of several neurological defects.

And of course, it’s not just nerves or blood. There’s a third major factor, and there are many others. But let me give you the third one. These materials are formulated it’s normal to formulate drugs. These are formulated in fatty globules called lipid nanoparticles.

What they do is disguise the foreign genetic information, so your body doesn’t see it initially until it gets inside your cells and it goes all around your body. It will glide through the cell wall as if it wasn’t there. And that was the entire point of it. So that means these materials don’t just go to your lymph nodes.

And they certainly don’t stay in your arm where they’re injected. They go all around the body, including into your brain and your blood and every organ in your body. But here’s the thing. Ten years ago, there were papers published, and it was well established and well known in the industry that lipid nanoparticles, lipid nanocarriers deposit their cargo, preferentially in the ovaries, and that was confirmed with the Pfizer products in an animal experiment performed for the Japanese regulators.

So, by design, these agents cause an autoimmune attack on every tissue. They make your body form a well understood biological toxin that can damage multiple organs in your body. And they deposited their cargoes, preferentially in the reproductive tissues of women and girls. So, if you think that’s by luck, then you’re mistaken.

There is no doubt in my mind, anyone of my calibre, and this is my peers that worked on this, absolutely understood what they were designing and manufacturing. So, I think, having heard what I’ve just said, that there was no pandemic, and the lie was maintained in order to inject people en masse, I think five and a half billion people with an intentionally dangerous substance, 17 million of whom have died so far.


​A vote for our Party is a vote for freedom, for the truth to come out rather that placing your X into the hands of the establishment, your vote for the SCOTTISH HERITAGE PARTY will bring forth LIFE rather than the controls of establishment global government.

With the Scottish Heritage Party in power, we will see an end to this globalist agenda of green ideology with small businesses supported by local government restoring our high streets, people being able because of reduced costs to afford housing, tourism being improved with increased travel, and an end to ULEZ and so called smart cities.


In addition, we believe it right that there be access to all opinion, rather than the present-day suppression of those who spot corruption, this being very apparent in the years of the so-called pandemic.

The Scottish Heritage Party believes that freedom to express opinions in the public square is fundamental to a free and democratic society. That freedom has come under serious attack over the last decade with the people being railroaded into accepting falsehood based on lies. The Man-Made global Warming agenda, the Covid lockdowns and the indoctrination of the public to accept that we must attack Russia are just three examples which will be dealt with in more detail later in this manifesto and we will also deal with the impact the media has been playing in controlling our thought.

In a free society freedom to think and speak is fundamental to an open and free society and the Heritage Party will roll back on restrictive legislation which allows individuals to use the law to prosecute people who disagree with them or because they claim to feel offended or unsafe. We will thus abolish “Cancel Culture” and the current Hate Speech legislation which has recently been approved by the Scottish Parliament. Free speech must also be ensured in the media, both mainstream and social media.

Liberty also means that individuals have autonomy over their own lives. The state should not seek to impose its own ideologies on individuals, nor force or coerce individuals into making choices against their will.  Individuals have responsibility for their own finances so cash must remain an option for purchasing goods and services at retail outlets, so we oppose any moves toward a ‘cashless society’. Individuals must also have responsibility for their own health and should not be forced or coerced to take any medicine or vaccination without their informed consent. The draconian lockdown laws and regulations implemented during the Covid era were an egregious and unlawful attack on our civil liberties.

In addition, the state should not unduly interfere with family life or micro-manage families and relationships. Parents are the primary educators and carers of their children and have the right to bring up their children as they wish, either through home education or in school.


We will maintain the military covenant embracing the need for peacekeeping around the world when invited and at the same time

understanding the need to protect all our people from

“Conception to the grave”, on occasions using military force.


Declares David Kurten: The first duty of the armed forces is the defence of the realm. The managed decline of the British armed forces must stop and it must be restored to at least 2000 levels with an Army of 110,000, a Royal Air Force of 55,000 and a Royal Navy of 45,000. 

We should once again become a strong military power that can act positively where necessary and when it is in our national interests, including deployment around our sea borders to prevent illegal immigration and to ensure that our airspace, 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone and underwater infrastructure is secure.

Our armed forces should take on Disaster and Emergency Relief on behalf of the nation rather than NGOs. The part of the foreign aid budget for disasters and emergencies should be re-allocated to the armed forces so they can carry out this function quickly and efficiently.

Our military personnel should be supplied with all the equipment they need to do the jobs they are asked to do. This includes a greater number of aircraft carriers, destroyers, frigates and submarines to replace those which have been decommissioned, and enough suitable barracks and living quarters for servicemen and their families.

There must be no control of our armed forces by anyone apart from the UK government. We must pull out of all programmes and schemes which even hint at joint control or management of our military with the EU including the European Defence Agency (EDA), the European Defence Fund (EDF), the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), and the Coordinated Annual Review of Defence (CARD).

The UK should not become entangled in far-away foreign conflicts which have nothing to do with our national interests and only benefit the chaos mongers of the military-industrial complex who profit from war. Since the end of the cold war, successive governments have sent our armed forces to engage in unnecessary military action in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine that was neither for the defence of the realm or the protection of the British people. On the contrary, the damage to the long-term stability of multiple nations has created migration crises that are detrimental to social cohesion and public safety at home. 

In the future, we should hold to the principle of non-engagement in third party conflicts and de-escalation of tensions at the earliest possible juncture to avoid unnecessary death, suffering, homelessness and migration.

We will treasure our armed forces, veterans enjoying excellent housing and health care so that they know their sacrifice has been so appreciated, for one who is prepared to give his life for another is very special indeed.

SCOTLAND – The Greatest Train, Ferry, Car, Bus and Plane Rides in the World - Yet an SNP-Green Government wants to put a stop to all of this in allegiance to THE GREEN RELIGION that unless stopped will ruin the economy of this great land.


THE TRUE NATIONALIST VOTES SCOTTISH HERITAGE PARTY to keep our culture, identity, and heritage! We need to recognize what we have in Scotland, a world-renowned tourist destination, and just as London has invested in transport infrastructure so must we!

We will build the A75/A77 Gretna to Glasgow D ROAD dual carriageway linking up the M6/M74 with clear transport links to Northern Ireland marketing the road also as a tremendous tourist destination creating within this area a new national park of outstanding scenic beauty. This will bring also first-class transport links to our world class golf courses on the Ayrshire coast at Royal Troon and Turnberry.

As regards to the Turnberry Course we will ask questions as to why we are no longer witnessing THE OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP HERE, we trust the decision for this not being because of its well-known owner!

From Stirling to John O’Groats, we will upgrade the A9 taking account of the environment recognizing the great potential there is for visitor growth and other business development. Ours is to be a Scotland of the 21st century vibrant in growth, but to be so vibrant we need to successfully invest in our transport links. Road safety is a key factor here and it is understood that upgrading this road has been delayed or cancelled due to green ideology, this ideology costing so many lives both on the road and with the stress it brings to every sector of society. We will put a stop to it.

From Inverness to Aberdeen, we will witness the A96 dual carriageway bringing together our great Scottish cities of Inverness and Aberdeen.

We will improve our ferry services bringing CAL MAC again into private ownership, the SNP nationalised operations day by day becoming a joke in all our transport infrastructure, particularly in updating our ferries! The Audit Committee seemed to have had a hey day with Nicola Queen of Scots, our former Transport Chief. The story is in The Spectator, the incompetence in our view incredible!

Lockdowns of the Scottish Government brought massive losses to Scotrail, £26 MILLION because of the enforced lockdowns so why should we put our trust in a government to get things right? A Scottish government obsessed with "net zero"! “To meet our climate change targets, and our aim of reducing car kilometres by 20% by 2030 – we need Scotland's railways. An efficient, effective, productive and profitable railway is critical to our Mission Zero ambition for transport; declares the Government but what about tourist potential with the possible expansion of steam services, of which the Fort William to Mallaig line is highly successful. So, what does the Scottish Government do to this world-famous heritage line? Close it down because old carriages do not have central locking!  

The Scottish Heritage Party will develop our transport infrastructure in an environmentally friendly way with the use of fossil fuel and electric where appropriate and bring the potential for visitors all over the world to come and see our great land with a new railway line from Carlisle to Cairnryan and the Northern Ireland ferries, with the extension of the Borders line to Carlisle. The potential is massive, and we can make Scotland a worldwide destination again but not with one hand tied behind our backs, as the global elite demands, but then we are to be an independent Scotland, part of an independent UK!


The following UK policy of the Heritage Party will have major benefits in Scotland particularly in the restoration of branch lines cut by Beeching, many of which can now be profitable with the increase in tourism we will encourage in Scotland. We will work with the highly experienced Heritage line charities who have done so much good opening and maintaining lines to high standards attracting tourists to many towns, thus boosting rural economies. Let’s have more of it, more steam, and more success!


Writes David Kurten:


There should be open free-market competition between petrol, diesel and electric vehicles, The Heritage Party will overturn bans on petrol and diesel cars and end subsidies and vehicle tax exemptions for electric vehicles. Taxation of petrol and diesel should be simplified to comprise only fuel duty and not VAT or other ‘climate’ surpluses.

Our existing roads should be maintained adequately, with pothole repairs a priority for local councils. ‘Smart motorways’ that remove hard shoulders are dangerous and impose intrusive surveillance on road users. Hard shoulders should be re-opened as a matter of urgency, and they should not be used for continuous surveillance of vehicles akin to a police state. We oppose the introduction of pay-as-you-go road pricing nationally and locally.

The Heritage Party fully opposes Agenda 2030 and the war on cars. We will scrap ‘15-minute neighbourhoods’ as proposed in Oxford, Canterbury and other cities, ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhoods’, and any other type of road blockage whose purpose is to coerce citizens to give up their cars and slow down vehicles unnecessarily. Cycle lanes which cause traffic jams and congestion by narrowing road space for other vehicles should not be installed on trunk routes or any other roads, and those that currently cause congestion should be removed and returned to mixed usage.

We will also scrap charging schemes which impose exorbitant charges on vehicles for travelling in arbitrary zones set up by local councils and metro Mayors. These go under various names such as ‘Low Emission Zones’ (LEZ), ‘Ultra Low Emission Zones’ (ULEZ) and ‘Clean Air Zones’ (CAZ) but their effect is to coerce citizens to give up their cars and bankrupt small businesses who have no option but to drive in these zones but do not have the cashflow to upgrade their vehicles.

New technology allows vehicles to be remotely controlled and disabled. To ensure freedom, this must never be compulsory by law, and government should never have the power to remotely disable vehicles with ‘kill switches’.

The normal speed limit in urban areas should remain at 30 mph, and we will remove 20 mph speed limits where they have been implemented.


Rail franchises that need cash injections from government subsidies should be brought back into the public sector when they finish. It is not right that corporations that run rail franchises have guaranteed profits underwritten by British taxpayers. This is especially egregious when rail franchises are given to foreign state-owned corporations that use British taxpayers’ money to cross-subsidise rail fares abroad.

HS2 should be scrapped and the money saved put into improving the metro systems of our conurbations and the re-opening of old branch lines closed in the Beeching cuts where economically feasible.


There should be no third runway at Heathrow. Regional airports should be allowed to expand and take more flights where appropriate.

SCOTTISH FOOTBALL – If Cardiff City and Swansea City can play in the Premier League, then why not Celtic and Rangers?


It is not the place of government to interfere with the way football is played in our country, but with such an important national institution affecting millions of our people, can we not ask about the suppression of two colossal football clubs in our country that should be playing other colossal clubs in the UK just as Welsh clubs do.


The Scottish Heritage Party does not support regulation as legislation is going through the Westminster Parliament for England and Wales, but does support liaison that can bring about successful leagues across the UK and that includes Scotland being represented right at the heart of UK football rather than being isolated as at present.

We should also be giving opportunity for other clubs to grow like Aberdeen, Hearts and Hibs and compete too at a higher level than at the present.

Strathearn Strategic Consulting provide us with some statistics:

At a glance

  • For the financial year ending 2018 the Scottish Professional Football League (SPFL) generated revenues of £37.2 million, up 7% from the year before, while the English Premier League generated £3.18 billion in revenue.

  • Celtic’s turnover, £101.6 million, was more than the other 11 Scottish Premiership clubs put together and almost 3 times higher than the SPFL league revenues.

  • In the 2017/18 season the lowest earning EPL team (West Bromwich Albion) earned £23 million more in revenue than the highest earning SPFL team (Celtic) and £92 million more than the second highest earning team (Rangers)

We can only make suggestions to football authorities but what is worth more and of greater interest:


It is the policy of the Scottish Heritage Party to ask questions only, not to legislate, but surely it does not take a lot of working out to say that our great Scottish clubs deserve better, and surely being an equal partner in the UK should mean equal access to revenues, so if the Welsh can enter the Premier League, then why not Scotland with its potentially much bigger clubs?


The Scottish Heritage Party will be proactive when it comes to at one hand maintaining the traditions of Scottish football clubs encouraging understanding of the past and religious histories of clubs particularly those of Roman Catholic and Protestant heritage. Both these traditions encourage forgiveness and understanding, and it is with this heart we believe Celtic and Rangers can be fully part of an enhanced Premier League without incidents of sectarian misunderstandings.


It is with this determination that we offer the people of Scotland a prosperous and peaceful future protected from global ideologies that look to de-stabilize all western countries. In government we will not allow this to happen in Scotland.

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David P Griffiths
Dumfries & Galloway

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